(WoF) 🥝 Kingfisher



1 year, 2 months ago




 Name Kingfisher

 Age 06 years (adult)

 Sex Male

 Species Dragon

 tribe RainWing



 Gender Cisgender

 Pronouns He/him

 Sexuality Asexual
 Romanticism Aromantic


Kind . Thoughtful . Observant . Introverted . Low self-esteem

Kingfisher has yellow eyes. He tends to prefer to restrict the emotions that display on his scales, keeping them focused on his frills, though extreme emotions will still ripple across the rest of his body. So typically, he is a white and blue RainWing and his neck and tail alternate between stripes of darker and lighter blue, He also has yellow accents. He wears a pouch around his neck, which contains writing supplies and his personal journal, which has his name on the cover of it.

He is mute, and while he knows how to sign, he also knows most dragons don't. So he primarily communicates with colors on his frills, gestures, and quickly writing messages for other dragons to read.

Kingfisher is thoughtful and considerate towards others, and he's always careful not to upset those around him, closely monitoring their body language and expressions.

He struggles with self-confidence, partially due to his early treatment by his peers, who often treated him either like he was stupid, or with overwhelming pity. He also tends to compare himself to others, particularly those in his writing classes.

Because of this, he tends towards introversion, finding it easier to keep to himself and watch others from a distance rather than socialize.


Kingfisher possesses all basic RainWing abilities:

  • Prehensile tail
  • Sunlight absorption
  • Color-changing scales
  • Venom-spitting fangs
  • Good vision in the dark

Pre-Roleplay History

Kingfisher was born in the Rainforest Kingdom to two loving parents. He was born with a severe speech impediment, leaving him able to understand speech and want to form words, but he was unable to coordinate his facial muscles to produce the sounds physically. His parents were supportive and helped him develop alternate ways of communicating with others- primarily through writing, which he then found a passion for.

When he was younger, he was often teased by other dragonets either for being mute or for how his impeded speech sounded, and he had a hard time making friends. As he got older he became more confident and better able to defend himself, but he still has some lingering self-esteem issues from those experiences and a tendency towards being alone.

Regardless, he has since learned to sign and also become an exceptional writer, and was offered a scholarship to study at a school in the Sky Kingdom, where he can continue to improve his writing and get more exposure to other dragons from different tribes that he might not have otherwise met.

Roleplay History

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Design / Depiction Notes
  • He can be drawn with any of his reference designs found in his current references gallery, they are all equally valid in accuracy despite their variance. Use whichever one appeals to you most!
  • His satchel can be drawn either in front of him or behind him, he regularly turns the strap around depending on if he needs it or what he's doing. This is shown in the animated/simplified design reference.
    • When hanging upside down, he will either curve his neck to keep the satchel from sliding around, hold it down with his hand, or let it slide up and be caught under his jawline; it's tight enough that it can't slip off of his head entirely.

Name    Relation Liked Disliked Living
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Name    Relation Liked Disliked Other
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididuntut labore et.


Name    Relation Liked Disliked Other
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididuntut labore et.

  • His conditions are known to us as oral apraxia and apraxia of speech, but this and its treatment probably isn't widely known to dragons.
  • He can technically talk, but due to a lack of any speech therapy it's almost completely indecipherable, so he opts to be mute instead. This means he can still make noises, grunt, scream, etc.
  • He has practiced his name enough for it to be decipherable, but he only introduces himself in this manner if he meets someone who can't read or sign, and vastly prefers using his journal cover, signing, or having someone else introduce himself for them.
  • He struggles to eat, as his oral apraxia affects his ability to chew or manipulate his tongue, and he's prone to just swallowing things whole. While he has gotten more confident over time, he still finds this aspect embarrassing and tries not to eat around others.


Title: Wayrapa Muspuynin
Artist: Alborada
Album: Meditation 1: Spiritual music of Perú

Meta Information
 Creator MisterMuse

 Creation Mon 01 Year

 Universe Wings of Fire

 Setting 5,017 AS

 CWs None

 Status Not for trade/sale

 Value $135.00 (Apr 04 2024)

 Acquisition Created

 Rules ToS
 Original post Created in Roblox

 Gift art? Yes

 With Other OCs? Yes, not romantically

 Blood? Allowed

 Gore? Allowed

 Drug use? No

 Alcohol use? No

 Nudity?Ken doll
 Sexual NSFW? No


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