


1 year, 1 month ago


The Junkā„¢

I am currently listening to...

Guts - Kian

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Name: Thorn

Height: 5'2"

Age: 20

Pronouns: They/it

Species: Human

Birthday: March 1st

Gender: Nonbinary

Job: Baker


This is my s/i fo rmy selfships! Please don't kin or use me as a faceclaim. Some of my selfships include: Viktor [Arcane], William Afton [BlueyCapsules], Danny Johnson [DBD], Power [Chainsaw Man], Leon Kennedy [Resident Evil & DBD], Jill Valentine [Resident Evil & DBD], Billy Lenz [Black Christmas 1974], and Tamari [Qualia Automata].

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"I never needed bitches."

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Arcane Lore

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Thorn's parents died during the fight where Powder and Vi's parents died, and was taken in alongside them by Vander. They never had an interest in fighting, a self described pacifist. They didn't go with the others when the confrontation happened with Silco, trusting the others to come back safely with Vander. This didn't happen, and they believed they were all deceased. They fled Zaun as a power vacuum began to form due to Vander's death.

During all that, they were 18 themselves. They were lucky enough to meet Viktor not too long after, and due to his own past, he was understanding and did what he could to help it find a place to stay and a stable income. They found work as a baker, and kept in contact with Viktor.

BlueyCapsules Lore

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Please note that this is not a 100% happy happy happy selfship. It's inherently unhealthy due to the kind of person William is, and in a way I am projecting my trauma onto it. While I did not literally go through what they go through in this, at the end of the day my selfship helps me cope with everything that I've gone through.

Thorn met William in college through Henry, who was originally a friend of theirs. They were much quieter at the time, along with being a doormat. They'd let William mock them, taunt them, and at first it was a fairly unhealthy friendship. Despite this, they remained his friend until Henry had enough and told William off. They didn't talk for a bit, but he eventually apologized in his own way, and they agreed to be friends again. After a few years, when Thorn was more confident, they confessed to having romantic feelings for him. William expressed that he felt the same way, and they started dating. It was a few years into their relationship when he cheated on it with Sunny, and got her pregnant. At first, he insisted that he had nothing to do with Sunny's pregnancy. This happened two more times, and Thorn left him. It cut contact and didn't speak to him nor Henry for a long time.

They reconnected years later, after Sunny passed away. William insisted he'd changed, and it gave him another chance. Their relationship escalated pretty quickly, with it moving in a few months later. They had a tendency to coddle Evan, treat Michael like a younger brother, and had a hard time relating to Elizabeth. It remained with William throughout everything, unaware that he was the root cause of each death. They comforted him, ignorant of the fact that he didn't care that much. It wound up catching him in an altercation with the Boseman kids, and immediately assumed he was the one under attack. They came to his defense, unwittingly helping him kill them. They went into shock, and it felt as if their body was on autopilot as it helped him deal with the bodies. It only kept quiet because of their involuntary involvement.

Qualia Automata Lore

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Thorn had Chronic Gamer Disease and couldn't stop gaming :(.

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