


1 year, 1 month ago



finn. she/he. 18. dawning. 5'5.

Finn is a walking stereotype of his kind, as he loves to make friends, form new connections, and maintain close bonds. To others, she appears as kind, thoughtful, bubbly, but slightly air-headed. He can be seen talking to other animals, mostly docile creatures, such as bunnies or dear. Finn is often called a gentle giant, as her touch is rumored to be softer than a feather. She isn't particularly tall compared to some taller fenri, but she is the third tallest in her village.

His past is shrouded in mystery- he had stumbled into the village at a young age, when he was just a small blooming. Finn recalls no memories before the age of thirteen, long after he had settled into the village. She dislikes talking about herself, and will stear conversations away from her past in particular. Some of the fenri in the village are concerned for him, but he hand waves them off.

While Finn may seem to be average in almost every way, she believes herself to be a broken fenri, unable to feel 'true love' or any real form of connection. He could never understand the feeling others would discuss when bonding or feeling love. She sees herself as a void that consumes and spits out phrases accordingly based on the conversation she's having- whatever she does is a mask, to her. In his mind, everything he does is fake and ultimately meaningless due to the fact she cannot feel 'love' like everyone else.

When Finn meets Whiplash, she feels a glimmer of hope. In their first encounter, she manages to feel something, and that stir of emotion makes her extremely interested in him. Finn is jealous of Whiplash for being able to feel emotions so strongly, and she wants to learn from him, so she vows to become his best friend, and help him make other friends... over time, their relationship develops, and Finn isn't sure how to label his feelings... is this... 'love'?

species: fenri