


6 years, 9 days ago


The Basics
Name: Noonie
Nickname(s): Cheetah, Cheecat (Clarke)
Gender: female
Species: Fantasy Cheetah
Type: Demi
Collar: Domestic
Age: fully grown, but stuck around age 12
Fertility: not possible due to her genetic defect

The Appearance
Voice: quite high and fast-paced, typical overexcited kid
Body type: true to her Cheetah genes, she was chubby as a toddler and due to her high energy ended up rather thin and agile
Hairstyle: curly and shoulder length, worn in a variety of simple hairstyles, loose/pigtails/ponytail etc
Style of clothes: casual and light fabrics for ease of movement, prefers skirts and dresses and swimwear, with lots of color and preferably patterned with swirls, polkadots, flowers etc

The Character
Personality: Noonie is a very curious, energetic, chatty and playful girl. She always sees the best in anything and anyone and it's hard to get her down. Being quite naive, it can be easy to play tricks on and/or advantage of her. She's always willing to help out a friend and in her opinion, anyone is a new potential friend!
Hobbies: arts & crafts, playing tag, swimming, watching animated movies & cartoons
Habits: tends to ramble, carries her rainbow plushy around whenever possible
Quirks: can't seem to sit or stand completely still
Strengths: always looks on the bright side, trusting, helpful, imaginative and creative.
Weaknesses: naive, clumsy, easily distracted, not a very good listener

Would like to have children: yes, in a way that kids like to play house
Dream job: something creative and playful, so her current task of befriending and helping new kids suits her just fine!
Other goals in life: treat others like she wants to be treated herself, smile and have as much fun as possible, find out if there are others like her that she could live with

Food- does candy count? otherwise it's probably pancakes!
Color- how could you pick just one? All of them! Rainbows!
Plant- anything colorful makes Noonie smile, so flowers are the best!
Animal- butterfly, they come in so many colors and they are so pretty and they can fly!

Least Favorites:
Food- porridge, it's supposed to be healthy but she thinks it's just yucky and bland
Color- black, that's the color you get when nothing interesting is happening, like having your eyes closed or turning off the telly
Plant- cactus, they hurt when you try to touch them!
Animal- mosquitoes, they make her itchy!

The Relationships
Parents: none, staying at the Academy due to a genetic defect, views keeper Saria as family
Siblings: none, is not getting adopted
Children: none, not possible due to her disease

Dating: no
Friends: Twink (current friend), Cabbit (childhood friend and old crush)
Enemies: Urbi (childhood bully)
Acquaintances: Saria (keeper), Clarke (rolemodel and sort-of mentor when Noonie was younger)

The History
Noonie was always a very happy young girl, although a bit overenthusiastic. Her spirit and smile could melt most people's hearts and while she can be annoying, people can't really seem to stay mad at her for long. She enjoyed life at the old facility and loved making friends. However, not all was good, as Noonie didn't seem to grow as quickly as her peers. The young Cheetah had to see her friends grow up, get adopted and leave the facility behind while she remained there. It made her a little sad and confused at times, but never for long, as she found new friends and new fun things to do! But she couldn't stay ignorant forever... One day her keeper Saria took her to the doctor's office where Noonie was told something was wrong with her. She had come from an old rival lab that lacked the experience and research, so not all Companions ended up as flawlessly as intended. Noonie was amongst those children. She was diagnosed with a genetic defect that prevented her from aging any further, keeping her stuck in the body of a twelve year old and a childlike mindset for her entire life. It wasn't known if and how this would affect her life expectancy, for now they just assumed she'll live as long as any other Companion. Upon first hearing the news Noonie was heartbroken, but as is her spirit she couldn't let it keep her down for long. Saria helped her see the beauty in it and the potential to do good and be a mentor to all the new kids entering the Academy. After all, who would know the place better than someone who would be there forever? And it would be much more fun to have another kid show you around instead of an adult staff member. Armed with a new outlook on life Noonie is determined to make the best of her life, abnormal as it may be.