Slynix Species



8 years, 7 months ago


The work in progress of the Slynix Closed Species info. The image above is so I remember the skeletal structure and where the rarities I've planned so far are. Slynix are the magically unadapt Relative to Implups. They lack a Third eye but the wings that where once on the tail grew and shifted up bone wise to become the main limbs as the original clawed paws shrank a bit in order to fly better.

I swear these guys are like Sky Mermaids at this point... I'm totally loving that sort of concept too. OTL

I will be working on the Ref and Info more on my stash but the final plans won't be public until Friday. If anyone wants to throw Ideas at me I might look at them. Also Need to create a Male and Imp gender Slynix examples soon. I already got a female done earlier.

Slynix are a Closed Species! Unless you are a super close friend or one of the super supportive watchers that make my day feel so much better every single time, (You people may or may not know who you are but I certainly know you) who I will note and give permission to make one for personal use only, if your not those people I will not allow you to create your own. I will most likely be noting people about this Friday as well.


Slynix Body Info:

Slynix are a related Species to Implups. Hundreds of years yerning to fly has caused this specie's mutations. They completely gave up the Cruxis Flame and that caused it to crystalize inside of their body, making their bones light weight! The Slynix are therefor skilled Fliers compared to even Flicker Implups.

Slynix's legs then fused together to create one powerful leg tail capable of both holding them upright when on the ground but also steering and beat in time with the wings. A Slynix's wings are strong and thin allowing it to catch the lightest breeze up. A Super rare Mutation can sometimes split that Tail Leg into two but that often forces them to glide and hover. It is a mutation that Most Slynix will not allow to survive given that it can be directl passed to offspring... though Females due slip up with who they bed with.

Mating and Culture:

Unlike Implups Slynix are Sexed beteen Male, Female, And Imp. Imp being Slynix who take after Implups and are Genderless. Imp Slynix cannot mate with others and unless They have a Cruxis Gem growing outside of their body they cannot mate with Implups either.

Some Slynix have their Sleeping Cruxis power grow out of their bodies in gem like forms. These rather unusual Slynix can even breed with their relative species Implups! These extremely rare happenings produce a newly found secondary sub species called Slylups. Though there are almost no known living Slylups.

Culture wise, Slynix are far more territorial and dislike being around their own kind. The only exception is mating season where hundreds of Males gather in one place to watch the females fight. The location changes every year due to Slynix mating tradtions and child care needs. Female Slynix fight to make Harems of Obedient and Loyal Males. The female will usually mate with every one of them in order to trick and control them all into protecting her young. The more fathers who can't tell who's kid it is the better. Female Slynix have a 48 mating Period where they can end up pregnant with multiple Slynix Male's offspring. A typical Mating season will produce anywhere from 3 to 15 Offspring per female. Slynix, for the record, lay eggs early on about two weeks after conception. Once the eggs are laid a female will begin to care and protect them for the next three months. The males are expected to feed her and fortify a large space inside and out to keep the newborns in once they hatch. Males will often spend the most time with the children as after the eggs hatch the Female will fly off to where ever her home land is leaving her offspring behind. Male Slynix For that purpose can also produce the milk needed to feed their young... Though usually in a harem this task will be forced on the smallest, youngest or most feminine Slynix of the group.

If males find weak or defective Offspring they might kill it. In rare cases, if a Alpha or Head Male of the Harem in particular believes it to be his, will they raise it along with its siblings. Slynix take Thirty years to mature. It is during that time the males will live and care endlessly for the young. If a Slynix Harem finds a Slylup among the offspring none will take it in and the milking Male will generally refuse to feed it. Under extremely rare odds will a Slylup have a chance at survival.

All info on Slylups is unknown at this time due to the trickyness of finding a living one in the wild.

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