


1 year, 1 month ago


Who am i?
Who are you?
Are you me,
or am i you?

Me? I'm Joe, Gramps works as well.

calm ... logical ... wise

circumspect ... impersonal ... neutral

abrasive ... hidebound ... opinionated

He is . . .
A black and white tabby tom with blue eyes.

I may be old, but- no, nevermind.

woodsmoke #0d0d0f
ship grey #323134
polar #eef9fc
bison hide #c8b5ab
bronco #b1a39c

Build . . .
. . . 11" / underweight / lanky.
. . . black, grey and white short fur.
. . . pale blue eyes / tabby / stub tail.
In his youth, Elder-rattle may have been considered handsome but now approaching his elder moons he finds most cats regard him as 'scruffy'. Whether or not he appreciates this descriptor is unclear, but it certainly matches the ragged note his pelt takes on. Often caked in dirt and dust, his white-dipped legs and tail are stained a putrid brown. The darker stripes of his pelt hiding any residual filth.
Scarred, battered and bruised, large drooping ears have seen better days after years of being tugged and torn. His eye split and drooping there is little to the tom untouched by violence. Even now that he aims for a gentler life it's clear that not everything has been easy, or will continue to be.

Voice claims . . .
His voice as a kitten is _______.
His current voice is Rattlesnake Jake.


Life isn't an easy ride, kid. Take it from me,


"You want to know about me? Well, dang. Not much to know honestly. Let me see ..."

Born and raised an only son to runaway strays, Joseph's upbringing was one of cat and mouse. Constantly on the move with little rhyme or reason to their travels. Often hungry, often lonely, it wasn't uncommon for the little tom-kit to be left in their current Den for hours at a time in order for both of his parents to hunt. Not all successful. His father was bitter, while his Mother did her best with what ltitle they had for her little 'Pepper' - one thing was clear though. Joseph had never been a wanted child. Too little resources, and too little love. Salt and Roman weren't keen on ever having children.

There comes a point when every child must fend for themselves and it was clear when Joseph's time came. Waiting, waiting... where were his parents? Left in the burrow, the two did not return. Only leaving when hunger drove the 7 moon old kitten outwards, there was little use in searching for them. He knew they hadn't died but... well, if they wanted to be found they would have returned.

'Rattler'. That's who he was now, right? It felt better than Joseph. More... respect worthy. The group he fell in with was a violent one with a fluctuating power vacuum. While Rattler had no intention to fill it, his loyalties caught him in the crossfire either way. Names like fog now, mist in his memory.

It was here though, that Seek came into his life. Peering behind the rebellious young tom's turbulent nature and finding him... enjoyable. It was sickening, to be seen.

The progression from strangers, to friends, to lovers was a slow one but it bore fruit as it blossomed. The two young cats discussing leaving together as the main players grew violent and unpredictable. When Seek fell pregnant well... it was an easier choice.

A swift escape was their easiest choice. Found in their fleeing, Rattler- No, Joe fought against their pursuers. Eye slashed into a permenant droop in the process it was nothing in compairson to the joy the two felt once free.

An abandoned badger den served as a safe home. A good as place as any anyway considering the dire circumstances. With each day came a new tragedy as they bore four sons together, filling their den with light and warmth for only a few moons before their eldest sucummed to sickness. Survival soon enough became the couple's best interest as the colder months began to drag their food sources into almost nothing, and while the kits were fed it became more and more obvious that Seek and Joe did not have the same fortune.

It was almost a blessing when the boys grew old enough to strike out on their own. To find belonging and family away from the rabble that their parents had struggled to provide them.

Life moves at a steadier pace now, a relationship struggling to heal, but with no other options but to remain together there wasn't a choice. Especially when Seek fell pregnant again, an unfortunate accident that the two dreaded with each week that the pale feline grew rounder.

Two boys, and a little girl. Too many mouths to feed, too little energy to hunt and protect, there was only so much they could do. They needed help, and help is what came.

A small growing collection of cats huddled in the battered remains of a Human's shed open their arms to the small family, ever supportive as the young ones grow and flourish under a more plentiful environment. Keeping their mouths firmly shut on any matters relating to the explosive argument between the mates that officially brought an end to their relationship. Disapproving of how much time he was putting into the group's maintenance, how little he seemed to desire a life of roaming as they once had... Seek couldn't tolerate it any longer.

Watching his kits grow was a bittersweet experience, day by day, moon by moon, the three grew into their own. His youngest son soon enough bringing in a lovely she-cat to the fold, and with permission, soon enough became mates and bore kittens of their own. Grandkits. Joe's joy couldn't be overstated when he looked upon the two kittens, a short-lived feeling.

Sickness. Brazen and flaming, rampages through their tight-nit group from a singular polluted prey. Taking their aging Leader with it. His replacement, a young bullheaded fiend of a feline, rules the roost with an iron claw and little tolerance. Forbidding herbs to those that disputed his climb to power, it didn't take long for the effect to take hold as many began dying. Forced to watch his daughter and son pass, followed soon by their own child, Joe - in a desperate bit - flees with the remaining kitten with no aim to return. Uva's tiny mews and confused questions only driving him further away from the damage and into the paws of another new home.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

To Build A Home


by The Cinematic Orchestra, Patrick Watson

Roman . . .

biological father.

Little Joseph? Suprised it lived.

Mm. Ever son becomes his father and it couldn't have been truer for him as he grew, even after his parents abandoned him it was difficult to not be reminded of just how much of the blunt tom-cat lingered in him. Both appearance and personality.

Salt . . .

biological mother.

Ay! Joe? Lil' pitfire that un'

Salt was an interesting feline but in-terms of Mother and Son bonding? The she-cat truly lacked any skill in it. In truth, if asked about her the Tom would admit that he truly doesn't remember what she looked like. Only her name and his general feelings on her still linger to this day and even now he finds trouble remembering why.

Seek . . .


Seek is... was everything to me.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

The Eldest . . .

seek & joe's first litter.

My kits, fuckin' hell. Brats.

Willow, Sage, Jackdaw, and Grouse.

Born early into Seek and Joe's relationship, the four were both a boon and a burden to the pair. Especially following Willow's death at a young age and the need to escape from their home due to the unexpected pregnancy. Rowdy, cruel and rebellious, their sons required more paws to handle than the strained parents could handle causing a rift to form. This was only made worse when Joe begun to retract from his kits, taking the same harsh tone that his own Father once had with him.

The Eldest . . .

seek & joe's first litter.

My kits, fuckin' hell. Brats.

Willow, Sage, Jackdaw, and Grouse.

Born early into Seek and Joe's relationship, the four were both a boon and a burden to the pair. Especially following Willow's death at a young age and the need to escape from their home due to the unexpected pregnancy. Rowdy, cruel and rebellious, their sons required more paws to handle than the strained parents could handle causing a rift to form. This was only made worse when Joe begun to retract from his kits, taking the same harsh tone that his own Father once had with him.

The Youngest . . .

seek & joe's second litter.

I failed them, again. Of course.

Jay, Kite, and Pike.

Born early into Seek and Joe's relationship, the four were both a boon and a burden to the pair. Especially following Willow's death at a young age and the need to escape from their home due to the unexpected pregnancy. Rowdy, cruel and rebellious, their sons required more paws to handle than the strained parents could handle causing a rift to form. This was only made worse when Joe begun to retract from his kits, taking the same harsh tone that his own Father once had with him.