
Name- Egon

Nicknames- Egg, The Shifter

Age- 24

Gender- Male

Date of Birth- May 26th

Height- 5’11

Orientation- Bisexual Panromantic 

Species- Human

Occupation- Member of the Accursed


Egon is usually very energetic and cheerful, he’s also extremely playful and loves attention and physical affection. However while he is usually very kind and friendly, he’s also very sadistic, masochistic, and cannibalistic. 


Egon was born in a small isolated town that used to thrive on crops and livestock. However after a the town was raided and cursed by a group of bandits, the town started to crumble. Eventually after using up most of their resources and in attempts to keep some of their livestock alive and rebuild, the town turned to cannibalism. Egon was a young child and ultimately was raised off of the flesh of humans and whatever scraps his parents had salvaged. In attempts to get their son a better life, his parents fled the village along with him. However he still kept violent urges and a taste for human flesh with him. While he and his parents struggled, Egon grew a hated for most of humanity as a whole as often his parents were rejected shelter and safe food from other towns. Eventually his parents passed from malnourishment and Egon was taken in by a group known as “The Accursed,” and he joined their mission in destroying and rebuilding the world. And along the way he would fulfill his violent and cannibalistic urges.