


1 year, 1 month ago


Generations WCRP
Name Viceroystorm

Former Names Viceroykit

Gender tom (he/him - they/them)

Orientation pansexual

Mentor Thrushserenade

Apprentice Brookpaw(?)

Rank warrior

Residence Mossclan

Theme ???


In the form of the allegiances in the books, he is described as a dark grey tom with a fading black tail-tip, ear, front foot and back foot. He has blue eyes.

But in a detailed form, he is described as a dark grey (almost black) tom with a tail-tip, left ear, left front foot and right back foot that fades into a dark black. He has deep, blue eyes. His neutral expression bares a nervous smile!

Design notes
  • The design isn't mine, once again.
  • The creator of the design is windyclift on Toyhouse.
  • Link: (see/click here)
  • content
  • content

He is a very shy and quiet cat that mostly likes to keep to himself. He is mostly seen talking to his siblings and only cats he seems comfortable with. He mostly avoids getting into the center of attention despite literally being kind of the leader. He, of course, deeply cares for his siblings and would always be there for them. Unless if he can't go there of course. He prefers to reassure them so they kinda feel better. Although, mostly it ultimately fails.

His trust for cats is mostly the friends he made during kithood. As a kit, he never really tried to do risky stuff, but he ended up doing it anyways for his brother, Fritillaryblast. He prefers to do races, play moss-ball, and clan as a kit, and even now, he still loves to listen to elder stories.

  • being safe
  • making sure his living siblings are safe
  • hearing the elders' stories
  • dangerous things
  • heights or high places
  • talking about himself


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Viceroystorm was born as Viceroykit to Violetrose and an unknown father alongside his littermates: Fritillarykit, Crysaliskit, Butterflykit and Gossamerkit. During his kithood, Viceroykit was very quiet and rarely interacted with other kits that aren't his siblings. He only really talked to Darkkit, Fritillarykit and Serpentkit. He played lots of games with them. When he played 'Rock-jumping' with Fritillarykit, he was very worried that his littermate would fall from one of the rocks. He tried his best to hide his fear of heights so he could enjoy the game with Fritillarykit. During his second encounter with Darkkit, they played 'Clan'. He was the leader and Darkkit was the medic named 'Darkstorm'. He remembered that suffix and decided to request for it when he becomes a warrior.

When Viceroykit became an apprentice as Viceroypaw and received Thrushserenade as his mentor. He did most things every apprentice did. He taught Fritillarypaw the hunting crouch and his littermate taught him how to fish. He also ventured to the two-leg place with Darkpaw to find catmint. He met a FlurryClan cat called Strawberrypaw at the border and He learnt how to mark borders with the guidance of Serendipitypaw . Other than this, he is mostly not seen doing anything else. He has seen his older sister Mintfall look sad and attempted to comfort her, but he slightly fails. He also tried to do the same with Honeywing, except it went a bit better. He has trained with Tigerlilypaw right before their warrior ceremony.

He then became a warrior under the name of Viceroystorm, alongside his siblings: Fritillaryblast, Gossamergasp and Chrysaliscall. During the war, Viceroystorm met a she-cat called Sapphirepaw. Things were tense at first, but they managed to have a normal conversation. A few minutes after he left, Sapphirepaw was killed in battle. Viceroystorm fought someone and got out alive with no scars, while he only slightly injured the other cat. And then, the battle was suddenly won, with Mossclan defeating Flurryclan. Viceroystorm watched the gathering of Flurryclan's debt since they lost, and strongly disagreed with Heatherstar. He didn't say anything though. He later found 3 kittens by a tree and named them Sprucekit, Lindenkit and Tamarindkit. One day, he went out of camp to see what was in a twoleg's nest when Curltuft caught him. Curltuft and Viceroystorm talked about the dangers of going there before sighing and letting him go. He told her that if he wasn't back by sunset, tell Fritillaryblast. Curltuft nodded and left as Viceroystorm ventured into the depths of the twoleg nest and found... a book. About the Solar System. This made him suspect that Starclan wasn't the only superior being out there, which is true.


  • Viceroystorm was named for:
  • Prefix — a flower.
  • Suffix — the suffix that Darkstorm chose to have when they played Clan together.
  • He has acrophobia.
  • Scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi.
  • He normally attempts to calm someone down when they are distressed but mostly fails at it.
  • He believes that Butterflykit is enjoying her time and doesn't know that she has faded.
  • He actually likes isolation from anyone other than his friends or family.

Brother / Littermate

Viceroystorm sees Fritillaryblast as the best littermate he has ever had. He genuinely enjoys spending time with him and even though sometimes he can get really worried for Fritillaryblast, he still loves his brother nonetheless.

"Once upon a time, 2 kits played in the sun. The kit named Fritillarykit suggested they played rocks, and the one named Viceroykit asked him to be carefuk. They played for a while until Fritillarykit tripped a bit. Concerned, Viceroykit immediately asked if he was okay. Fritllarykit nodded and they continued playing."


One paragraph would fit nicely! Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.


Egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu. Aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a cras semper. Non sodales neque sodales ut. Eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.


Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

code by jiko