Jasper Luna




name ; jasper luna

gender ; female 

sexuality ; heterosexual 

mate ; open 

traits ;

- smooth horns ( uncommon )

- mammal ears ( uncommon )

story ;

I am Jasper Luna, and I am from the Mediaeval Ages. Ancient, I know. It was such a long time ago. I get it! I seem old. But, I am a magician. What do I do? I can control the dark. What exactly? Well, I can mold shadows at my will. I can make them into animate objects, solid objects. I am also an Illusionist. I play tricks on the mind in was that you would have to see to believe. I was in a band of other magicians, and we were not liked by the villagers. Not at all. That is where everything goes wrong. They want me, and my clan mates hung, tortured, and everything in between. They wanted us dead and ty wanted us to suffer. This is my story. My struggle for survival.

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She moved stealthily through the trees, her horns glittering in the pale moonlight. Her tail would occasionally curl around a sapling, or the rare sign or cart wheel. She watched from the tree line as the horse drawn carts would pass by with different goods bound for the villages, but more likely the tyrannical king. She paused as she watched a few knights. She flicked an ear, before continuing on towards the village. The shadows warped where her paws landed, some climbing up the tree trunks when she flicked a paw. This was why that king feared her and had her hunted like an animal. She wasn't a threat, her wouldn't allow her to use her powers for bad. But, she may make an exception for that selfish king. Valentine. She disappeared further into the woods to avoid the knights spotting her or the warping shadows.  

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She appeared in the village by nightfall. Her red eyes glowed in the firelight, giving her a demonic look. The shadows warped around her, and even more so when she dropped to four paws. No one else was out. She heard laughter from inside the houses, families. She frowned. She never had a family of her own. She never knew her parents, or if she even had any. She believed she was born our of the shadows. She perked her ears, red eyes landing on a male viscet further up the main path through the village. His eyes moved towards hers, and their eyes met. Her eyes slid over the males body, his markings striking her as unique and fascinating. He looked away, ears flicking back nervously. She had scared him, great. Moving forwards, she noticed him shying away. "Please. Don't go." She said, ears flicking back, worried she had scared him. He didn't move. Thank goodness. "What is your name?" She asked once she had taken a few more strides. "Ephraim."