[easy WTA/DTA]'s Comments

Name:White Hutsonville (Or Miss.White) 


Personality:A rather gentle lady with a flirty personality (she would call you cutie or darling)



Miss. White was a poor child in a poor family, one of her parents died, her mother. She was stuck with her father and a older sibling Called Axel who her father adored... She was mostly left out and not allowed to go outside at any condition's, as she grew up she decided to run away from her home town and father. The day she left there was a huge fire in the home town, her father died during it and her brother..? She's not sure what happened. She was now alone traveling until she found a land called Liyue, she was just 13 when she stepped into the land. She soon met a lady, Golden long dress, white long hair and amber eyes.. She found a idol and deicided to find a job to earn money. As she did she grew up soon making here own place, a designer store and soon enough she was happy in life.. To the point her idol noticed her!