


1 year, 19 days ago

Basic Info













 Personality notes:

  • fantastic like. directional memory. never forgets a place or how to get to a place. and with objects, never loses anything (as long as someone/thing else hasn't moved it lol)
  • fond of magic tricks (like sleight of hand... i suppose these would be called something diff in a world where there IS magic lmao). Very slippery and sneaky in general. enjoys tricking people but moreso enjoys impressing people with tricks!
  • Will just steal things. finders keepers <3
  • never has a plan for anything. super disorganized. goes with the flow kinda guy.
  • Very relaxed and chill in general. Rarely loses his temper/hard to rile up.
  • reckless/impulsive.  Despite his lax demeanor/softspokeness a bit of a daredevil/thrill-seeker (for better and worse)
  • likes to wear pretty flowery decorative things (kelp necklace and tail strands). a bit vain tbh lol.
  • Not a lot of self-confidence going on. Doesn't like ppl relying on him for fear of letting them down, literally warns others of this. he's a bit flaky. Fear of commitment in general.
Other notes:
  • lives in a village in Valencia territory.  Does odd jobs around, happy with doing jobs that others find tedious and/or gross (sanitation. Burying/moving corpses. Scouting of dangerous areas/keyaa overexposed areas).
  • Is friendly, but keeps a distance from the other villagers. initially they tried to include him in things when he moved there, but he'd always decline (sometimes a bit awkward or cold with it, if he was having a bad day). Eventually they stopped, and since he became the guy that Did Those Gross/Creepy tasks....rumours that he was gross/creepy/scary or otherwise strange started to spread, and he didn't do anything to stop them really. He gets the job done, jobs than need getting done, so the others of the village don't kick him out and don't like outright be nasty to him (mostly) for that reason. they keep their distance tho.
Backstory ideas?:
  • Had some kind of very rigid upbrining he escaped? Something with a lot of responsibility set on him? (idea: parents were crazy about training him to fight with magic (toxic doa culture of value through fighting prowess) since he has a naturally high output/rare order?)
  •  Later on was etrusted with some people/some things, of which he failed (they died? or left?). Maybe it was his choice to take this on/after he escaped, so he felt even worse about it -> resolved not to get involved with others in the future/he was bad luck/didn't deserve their trust anyway.