


6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Shun 

Age: 520 y/o 

Gender: Male 

Height: 173 cm

Type/Power: Fortune Kitsune 


  • Lazy
  • Very lazy
  • usually calm
  • Too relaxed
  • kind
  • a bit playful

Likes :

  • tea
  • sweets 
  • sleep
  • peace 
  • anything that relax him 


  • anything that is annoying
  • fighting
  • stealing his food 

He can make himself lucky or make others lucky/unlucky, using the "luck" power can make good things happens to him and rarely get hurts, mostly using for escaping from fighting since he doesn't like to get in trouble. 

Ultimate Ability:
 his eyes start to glows and his medals on the neck Too, It means that he has reached his ultimate power, when used it, he absorbs others peoples lucks, and make things happens as his favor. He doesn't really use his ultimate since he will first escape eventually.
Others: if he really need to attack, his fan can transform to a big fan with needles as a weapon. 

(Yuta belongs to )
Shun has a childhood friend named Yuta. Since Shun has to take responsibility to take care the mountain, he had to stay alone with his pet peeves; later Yuta came along with Shun and live with him. Finally, Shun found that now he has been living a boring life decided to take a 300 years sleep to see what will be changed in the future and telling Yuta to wake him up after 300 years. In that time, Yuta found out Shun's food supplies, knowing that Is slowly shrunk so he decided to eat them all. After Yuta waking up Shun, he discovered that Yuta has eaten all his food supplies and put him at debt, at that time he was so angry and used his ultimate ability to make Yuta unlucky and never get to flirt to people. Although Shun did actually made him unlucky, Yuta did apologizes with tea and sweets so after one day he took off the unfortunate of Yuta, and it was the only once he used his ultimate power.