Hideaki Hisao



1 year, 19 days ago

Basic Info

Current age





God of Universe 2.0

Love status

Taken by Samaël Yokubo


Depressive and creative, ADHD, recovered from traumas and such.


Drawing (created an OC, loves doing manga panels), protecting the box, and protecting the Universe


Father: Mal, God of Universe


Brain used at its full capacity, psychic powers, unknown power sources in the shape of violent thunders aswell


Everything (son of Mal)


In the past, he was an arrogant child. Horribly annoying, but with a really bad father, Mal.  He made him suffer a lot, restricted him from everything, and he felt  excluded of friend groups and didn't had friends because of his father.  He has ADHD and struggled learning and he failed a lot. His dad kept  putting him down and even forgets hiw son soletimes, until one day when Rosa, Hideaki's  mother had enough. She kept arguing with Mal and it always leads into  the same repetition. So she told his son that she will do something  really dangerous but that would change Mal. Or at least show himself how  horribke he is tl the family; she "died", and Mal accusated his son,  Hideaki. Hideaki has always been at his best, kind, and tried to get  closer of his dad like he saw with other kids close to their dads. He  kept being hitten by his dad and one day Mal kicked him out of the house  after trying to kill him. He have so much rage about Rosa's "death"  that he concentrates all his powers into a box. This box is a massacre.  It can reset the whole universe, create new physic rules, planets,  leaving creatures, and such...Whoever opening or breaking the box won't  exist anymore.

After crzating that box and conservating it with him he created a  circus: the Zaelanda Wonderworld. He hired special people with  struggles, traumas and rage to use their negative auras to transform  them into death machines. All of this to kill his son without moving a  finger. If he gets angry or attack anything the universe would probably  explode. He's too puissant tl do anything by himself. So he greated a  triangle or 5 grades. 1st grades, 3 people. 2nd grade, 4 people.  3rd grade, 26 people. 4th grade, 10 people, 5th grade, 5 and maybe more.  All of them got hired for the same aim: kill Hideaki Hisao. The prize  is unimaginable. Hideaki, growing up alone into a poor and dirty house,  have a terrible life. He drugs himself, and drinks so many pills that he  vomites a lot. His mental health is a catastrophe. He can barely live.  Since he is the son of the God Of Universe, he got piwers aswell, and  his mom too. His powers are incredible; he can exploit unknown parts of  his brain and use it all at 100%. He can do telepathy, read into  people's minds, he can see people's intentions, and his most dangerous  weapons are his emotions. If he use his powers he breaks everything  around him. It's too dangerous. So he makes overdoses of medics to not  exploit it. This power is neon thunders of the shape of neurons/nerves,  and those thunders could circulate everywhere, in all elements possible.  He is emotionless, but stays really arrogant, especially when he sees  the circus staff/workers who tries to kill him. Mal owns so many places  that Hideaki can't live peacefully. Theatre, circus, amusement park, toy  supermarket, It's like an eye following him everywhere. He is paranoïd  aswell (he represents me so he have a lots of my traits and myself) and  passive suicidal even. He lives a long depression and have huge lack of  self confidence, motovation and have an inferiority complex. One day  he got to enter into the circus and beated all the circus workers. One  by one. At the begginnong he beated the staff or peoole who were working  near the circus (least puissant ones) and more he approached the  hightest roof of the circus, harder it got. He started to use a bit of  his real powers against the 3rd, then he put the powers highter for the  2nd grade, and used them at 100% for the 1st grade and against his dad.  He won't fight hiw dad directly, all those battle were years of fight  actually. He tended to dissapear to eat or isolate to rest, and at his  18, after defeating everyone (Mal was not here, he was at the "3 God  Council to discuss with the God of Heavens and the God of Hells so he  wasn't aware yet of what's happenning) the clowns realised how awful  they acted and who was Mal's real face. He refused to stay at his 18 and  left the circus for 5 years. When he came back, everyone welcomed him  and thanked him to have lighten them up. They were all so sad and full  of negative auras, and controlled by Mal like miserable puppets. So they  wanted Hideaki to be the new leader and God, and he felt ready to stay  now. Installed into the circus, he niticed something. Samaël was kinda  different when he talked to him, and lne day Samaël took Hideaki apart  to talk to him, but as soon as he said the start of his sentence that  Hideaki kissed him to show his feelings back. Samaël loved Hideaki since  he came into the circus to stay and he wanted to say it but was very  afraid due to past traumas. They are now a couple and really love each  other. Hideaki is now happy, not depressive of suicidal anymore, and  slowly stopped to take medics to calm hiw powers. All his frustration is  gone, he can now hold his powers and so is a harmeless person. He also  tended to never take care of himself but since the relation between he  and Samaël started he started to slowly take care of himself.

Character traits/facts about him:

Stinks, always smokes and still consume drugs but moderate. Struggles  doing constant things (selfcare for example), pretends he is top but  Samaël could beat his ass off, he's bisexual, he's very silly, always  have that deep look, intense blue neon eyes, he's REALLY masculine, but  wears heels and bras wich is hot ngl /j, he loves oversized clothes, he  doesn't sleep a lot because he's a God and have severe anxiety (like me  lolol) so he have purple dark circles, his skin taint is yellow-ish  because he's so lentally sick that it affects his skin color, if he  would've bern in Earth he would've been French, he is very smart but  sucks a LOT about school related stuffs because he never liked school  and its content, he could eat a mukbang but he won't gain weight or get  fatter, he doesn't assume things but not in a bad way, in a cute way, he  could insult someone and tell the deepest apologize 3 seconds after, he  is goofy as fuck mann