


6 years, 1 month ago


Name : Lir

Gender: Male

Age : 15  ( Actual and appearance age )

Race : Human & Axolotl  Hybrid 

Weight : 42 kg

Height : 155 cm

Class : Dancer/Healer 

 Weapon : Double Dagger 

      ( *PS : Lir doesn't really use weapon  since he is a magi, just for in case if  he is in danger )

 Element : Water

 Personality :

  • Careful
  •  Cry baby 
  •  Scaredy
  •  Fearful
  •  Kind-hearted   

 Likes :

  •  Calm Places
  • Bright Places
  • Animals
  • Water
  • Sink in water 
  •  Relax

 Dislikes :

  • Scary Places
  •  Being alone 
  •  Punishment
  •  Fighting
  •  Someone touching his tail

»»———— BackStory————««

Lir was actually kidnapped when child, since in his village it's hard to see an axolotl and human hybrid, which they are really good healer and their tail are sold to be medical product. He was kidnapped since he was 4 years old, so he didn't have the memory of his parents.

After being kidnapped, he was sold to a circus and he started to work for them.

In the circus, he wasn't treated nicely, they forced him to dance and show magic for the audience, even cut his tail and sells with high prices; he was abused in there so he always cry alone when nobody is close since he knows he can't escape that easily from the circus.

Someday, the circus got burned by some anonymous gang, Lir managed to escape from it, he finally got freedom but yet, scared of this world, afraid that someone will do bad things on him, afraid to be treated nicely and being betrayed.

»»———— Abilities————««

✦ Lir has the ability of controlling water and breathing in water, since he is axolotl and human hybreed, he can breath normally on land but need to be hydrated constantly ( since he cries a lot too ww )

✦ Lir can regenerate his body parts perfectly but yet he is scared of being hurt and be in pain.

✦ He can heal by using his water magic too, but his tears are more effective than his water magic.

»»———— Bonus————««


  ▸ Lir actually doesn't really like when people touch him, he is really scared of it. He only let friends to touch him but still a little frightened of it.


  ▸ Lir actually doesn't really like being alone since it will remind him when he was in circus.