Erasmus Attoli (Pokemon Knights)



1 year, 2 months ago




NAME: Erasmus Attoli

AGE: 23




PLACE OF BIRTH: Evergreen Grove



RANK: Rookie



HP: 10

ARMOR: Clothing

STR: 4

DEX: 5

CHA: 0

MND: -1

REC: -2



+ idealistic, adaptable, athletic

= stubborn, distant, independent

- quick tempered, reckless, tactless

Erasmus is young and reckless and a little bit dumb. He has difficulty remaining idle since he's spent years on the move and staying active, but this often leads to him becoming restless and getting into trouble because of it. He doesn't mind though, sometimes going out of his way to intentionally start trouble or pick fights as a means of blowing off steam. He doesn't have ill intent toward people, just his own troubles that he feels he can only properly vent by hitting things.

He has poor social skills due to his self imposed isolation over the past seven years, much better at pushing folks away than he is maintaining a civil conversation that isn't on its way toward spiraling into a challenge to fight.

LIKES: extremely spicy food, cold nights beside warm fires, physical fights

DISLIKES: inactivity, faking politeness to rude people, cold food and drinks


Erasmus was born in the Ninetales clan and left orphaned five years later when his parents died in a hunting disaster. He was brought up communally by the clan after that, stubbornly refusing to allow anyone to take him from his parent's home into their own. When, on his 10th birthday, when he was given his first pokemon egg to hatch and raise he was thrilled and ecstatic to get a vulpix, but when it hatched into an eevee he was mortified and upset beyond words. There had been a mixup of the eggs, but the eevee imprinted on him immediately, and the clan wasn't about to give him a second egg right away.

He hated the eevee at first, bitter and resentful and refusing to even give it a name. He would sneak it out on long meandering expeditions out beyond the safety of the clan's settlement in hopes that he could ditch it out in the wild, but it doggedly stuck to his heels. During one such venture he found himself caught out in a sudden whiteout blizzard, and within minutes the blinding snow had him lost and shivering. The blizzard raged all through the night, and Erasmus would have succumbed to the cold, but the eevee curled up tight around him and kept him alive with what little body heat it could offer.

When the clan finally found them both almost a full day later, they were in rough shape, but still alive. Erasmus was gutted with guilt that he'd been so cruel and heartless to the eevee just because he'd thought it was weaker than a vulpix would have been. After that, he finally named it, and promised to raise it better.

Having proved himself more responsible, he was allowed to tag along with another clan member to visit the Crescent Moon Clan on a trade visit. He was awed by the different clan lifestyle and wandered away a short ways while his fellow Ninetales clan members conducted their trade negotiations. While poking around one of the tents he was suddenly ambushed and cornered by an old woman who seized his upper arm frantically, eyes rolled back wildly as if locked in a trance. In a grating, haunting voice she knew him by name, and told him she could see the moment of his death. He listened in horror as she told him she could see him struck down by a great and powerful foe- young and heroic but doomed all the same.

He wrenched himself free and fled back to his clan members, too shaken to say what had happened. When they returned to the evergreen grove, he had resolved never to tell anyone what he had experienced. Over the course of the next three years however, he was cornered by two other fortune tellers who told him the exact same future, and after the last one, he took his eevee and ran away from the clan at 16.

He spent the next 5 years stumbling between various villages for brief stints of time before moving on to another, scared to get close to anyone and wanting to remain anonymous as much as he could, yet unable to venture off alone into the wild to be on his own. When he was finally pointed in the direction of Lumiose he was stunned by the sheer size of the town, and impressed by the order of the Corviknights. As afraid of his prophesied death as he was, he was drawn in by the prospect of being trained to survive outside the town alone. He still hesitated to join the knights immediately, finding work in the town in the meantime, before finally signing up to be a hatchling when he felt too nervous about having lingered in the town too long.


ADAPTABILITY: Powers up moves of the same type as the Pokémon.




EXTRAS: Artax is Erasmus's first and only pokemon, and his closest little companion. He says he has his reasons for not taming any more than one, but refuses to ever say why, except that he owes Artax both his life, and his full attention and dedication as a partner.