


6 years, 1 month ago


Emerson Frey

Moon Bunny
328 years







- 300 or so years ago Emerson was a messenger of the gods of his world - fell in love with his patron god the love was returned, to Emerson's knowledge

- After a falling out publicly Emerson spoke to his god in a way you dont speak to god.

- he lost his eye. After this he gathered the little he could and ran away into space itself. abandoning his world and family behind.

- He was in a stasus bubble for over 300 years floating from galaxy to galaxy until he awoke on earth.

- He found many things on earth to be the same as his world, though people wanted to know where he came from and assumed it was the moon, due to his bunny ears and legends of old.

- He found a job as a mail man here on earth and found streaming as something to do in his spare time.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt lorem ac imperdiet varius. Suspendisse blandit posuere lacus ac maximus. In vitae suscipit justo, in interdum neque. Nulla ultrices purus tempor augue sollicitudin, vel suscipit elit iaculis. Nunc sollicitudin venenatis volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent vel turpis id purus semper ultricies ultrices non tortor.

Integer ultricies mattis felis. Quisque elementum, tortor tempor euismod iaculis, diam diam bibendum neque, ut hendrerit nunc dui sit amet orci. In a euismod dui. Aliquam ac venenatis neque. Nam eget interdum lacus. Vestibulum accumsan eu nunc eget sollicitudin. Nam malesuada, ipsum a maximus sagittis, leo mi pharetra felis, ac malesuada nisi lorem vel urna.


Name — Relationship

Relationship info here. Can be a few sentences long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Name — Relationship

Relationship info here. Can be a few sentences long.

Name — Relationship

Relationship info here. Can be a few sentences long.

Name — Relationship

Relationship info here. Can be a few sentences long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


  • penguins
  • blueberries
  • magical girls
  • Boba Tea
  • his split tongue
  • bullies
  • spicy food
  • flakes
  • onions
  • Dislike

  • CREATOR Neon-Hazard
  • WORTH $550, NFS
  • notes