


1 year, 2 months ago



Name Ember

Alias Em

Age Unknown

Pronouns She/it

Height 1'2"

Species Bird?

Likes Fire, heat, food

Dislikes Water, bugs

Demeanor Tiny

Theme tbd

Little fire bird.

Ember has lava that floats from her back, this lava actually come from her core. Her emotions or mental state effects the movement and amount of the lava. When sleeping or relaxing, the lava is like a little puddle within her back. On average it floats a little from her back in a slow wave-like motion. When upset the lava drips from her back and onto the ground in drops, the more upset she is, the more lava that spills. When angry the lava bubbles violently, can even erupt from her back like a volcano if angry enough.

She can even control the temperature of the lava too. On average it's warm to the touch (she actually likes it when you pet the lava). But when upset or angry it becomes boiling. Her lava is never as hot as lava normally is, the worse she can do is major burns but nothing like charring an entire limb off.

She makes all sorts of noises, commonly little chirps and beeps. But can also purr like a cat when content.

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