Lenna Gregory



1 year, 1 month ago


Oh! Are you okay?
name Lenna Gregory
age 16
gender female
pronouns she/her
race american
orientation straight
Birthday 23rd October

code jiko


She has short, soft dark brown hair that reaches her neck. She has green eyes, a medium toned skin and her height reaches to 5'6" when she stands up straight. She has the tendency to tuck in her uniform. For sleeping, she just wears a sweater and long pants to sleep. Her bangs are pretty long so she wears a head band (if she doesn't, her bangs will cover her face).

sushi, fried rice, frogs, science, books, the breeze, cats, water, rivers, streams, lakes, seas, oceans, her home, her toolbox.
ants, centipedes, dirt, mud, forests, volcanoes, spiders, bugs, explosions, fireworks, lava, coal, bananas, hydrogen bombs, ding dong ditching..

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Lenna is a very straight-forward, observant and honest person. She isn't afraid to share her opinion, but this also may make the person it's directed to feel hurt due to how honest she is. In her old school, she didn't really have much friends. Lenna is also known to have a very quiet nature, rarely talking when it isn't necessary.

She can stay very calm even in disastrous situations, and she enjoys looking at art. Even if sometimes she may seem like she doesn't care for her friends, she actually cares for them as much a lot. She also has a less shown side of her curiosity, where she'll mostly get so interested she actually starts losing her focus on her classes.

Design Notes
  • I made her design in one day
  • I sketched her design on paper
  • I thought about someone while making her design
  • Her MBTI is INTJ-A
  • She doesn't have a favorite color
  • Her favorite flowers are dandelions

Music Box
"Insert the lyrics here, if you want..."
No, I don't think I will. Heh.