Captain Ky



6 years, 9 days ago



"The voice of the sea speaks to the soul." -Kate Chopin

Cayenne "Ky" Pointeeth is captain of the Goreplunder; the most infamous pirate ship. He found himself in the Sea of Omission after being rejected by society in the Mythmatru Kingdom, and then turned to piracy after meeting his wife Rosemary. 

It's extremely rare to see Captain Ky anywhere other than on a ship. He has such a passion for sailing that he's developed persistent mal de débarquement, and so avoids leaving his ship unless it's absolutely necessary. If he ever finds himself on land he entirely depends on someone else to help him get around (usually Rosemary. ) Most of the crew are unaware of his condition and often wonder why the captain doesn't join them on land. 

Captain Ky is beloved by the Goreplunder crew. His excellent leadership abilities combined with his impressive combat and sailing skills make him the ideal pirate captain. He's fearsome, yet pleasant. Though the only ones to know his pleasant side are fellow societal rejects- if you are a functioning member of society, he hates you and will never see the good in you. Also, if you ever lose his trust, he will never forgive you. Those on his bad side see him as a monster. Captain Ky adores the ocean, his family, friends and guns. For some reason, he likes personifying weapons- he names and remembers every weapon he sees- and also has bad habit of exaggerating stories to make them more dramatic.