


6 years, 9 days ago



"To paraphrase several sages: Nobody can think and hit someone at the same time." -Susan Sontag

Rosemary Pointeeth is the quartermaster on the Goreplunder. She was hatched on one of several islands in the Sea of Omission, and claims her reason for piracy is "because of the shiny things." She met her husband Cayenne after she was marooned for severely damaging the ship she was on. The two have since formed one of the most feared pirate crews in history.

It's a tradition in Rosemary's family for the mother to make scarves for her children, and so she ends up making them for every egg she's ever laid. Unfortunately, only one egg has ever successfully hatched; Pepper. It upsets her that she's been unable to have more kids, but she refuses to give up her dangerous lifestyle for their sake. She loves Pepper unconditionally, and would do anything for her. A lot of the scarves she's made end up as gifts for the Goreplunder crew, though none of them like to wear them because they find it awkward.

The crew would tell you that Rosemary is leagues scarier than Cayenne. She's extremely chipper, but painfully brutal. It's this contrast that makes those who meet her feel uncomfortable. She takes excellent care of the crew, but gives harsh punishments for even simple things. The crew loves and respects her, nonetheless. She's notable for being really violent in combat. It often comes as a surprise to see just how unintelligent Rosemary is; she never thinks before speaking or acting, often breaks things and doesn't always recognize the feelings of others. She also struggles to read and write, so usually doesn't. Rosemary loves her family, friends, loot and danger.