Dr Franklin West



1 year, 1 month ago




Dr. Franklin West;






Corrupted Pocket Pal;





I Assure You My Procedures Are Completely Sound;"

Some might say that a doctors surgery and experimental lab located inside a large disused portion of a sewer is hardly a reputable place nor a trustworthy one; but Dr West would beg to differ- i mean look at the place! He has a neon sign with his face on it out the front, and the inside is bathed in purple and green light from strewn about fairylights in all manner of amusing shapes; and the furniture? Oh, you'll find no more comfortable a waiting room in town he's sure; why not take a rest on the red velvet chaise lounge? No he won't tell you where he got it from, trade secret :) It's not stolen though, no matter WHAT you've heard he is a VERY respectable doctor, you can be quite assured of that! Now, just out of curiosity how fond of any organs or body parts you might not be utilising at present are you? Aha, a joke of course! Yes, yes merely a joke!

Some say dr West is a disgraced scientist kicked out of his university before he even got his medical licence, though for what reasons nobody can settle on; some say he stole from the morgue and medicine supplies, some say he drank formaldehyde, some say he ran secret experiments to create his own freaks of nature! It's all absolutely hogwash of course!! He merely CHOSE to have his medical practice and lab located down here! It's an aesthetic descision, and he enjoys the quiet of an empty pipe!


Dr Franklin West cuts an intimidating figure, standing 6ft 6inch tall and with a love of heeled boots he can quite often come across as....rather looming. His smile seems far too sharp and his eyes glint with something that could just be a friendly twinkle but it does seem rather akin to malice at times. His voice shrieks loud and his cackling laugh even louder still, you really can't miss the doctor when he's around!

Ever the menacing charmer Dr West seeks to be nothing but polite to his patients and customers, with a wide grin and a large and monstrous shadowy hand on a shoulder he'll purr his way through guiding those who step into his practice to...whatever prodecure or tincture they come searching for. Not just anyone can find themselves an appointment with the good doctor, no... you have to be in the know to know where to find him! He doesn't advertise his services too openly, can't have those judgemental sorts coming to shut him down can he? No, but if you know a guy who knows a guy maybe they can direct you to that bright neon sign in the pipes under the city...

Quite often Dr West seems to work with those who...ah, may have trouble finding what they search for above ground; that that he's involved with aaaanything shady of course- it's all above board, you see! Yes, yes don't you worry your pretty head about that! Not unless you'd that nose your poking around where it doesnt belong finding itself on sale for a fetching price... Ahahahaha!! Oh just good humour of course!

Nobody quite knows what experiments Dr West spends his time doing when he's not attending to patients or selling his wares over the counter, but he does seem to spend an awful lot of time rambling about life and resurrection and something....to do with pal's pods. Hm. Well i'm sure he's not up to anything scary, he's a scientist afterall- and a doctor! you can trust a doctor can't you?


code by icecreampizzeria | art by laurekayd