Celestia (Slugterrasona)



1 year, 2 months ago


 There's something more to the Burning World. There's something... mystical about it.  


intelligent . curious . adventurous

Celestia is an elven Burning World Researcher native to the Eastern Caverns, and the adopted sister of Orion the molenoid. She spends most of her time researching information about the Burning World, otherwise known as the Surface, and collecting more data about it. She believes there is more to it than meets the eye, and dreams of one day being able to reach it.

She has a pet owl named Achilles, who she had found injured one day while exploring a cavern's river system. Apparently, he had been injured on the surface and fallen down into the caverns. Celestia has yet to find this entrance.


  • Spending time with Orion
  • Amphibianoids
  • Nonfiction
  • Sushi


  • Large crowds
  • The Emperor
  • Slug Hounds
  • --


- Celestia is 24 years old.

- She has a slight fear of slug hounds after nearly being attacked by one when she was young. Ever since then, she highly dislikes them.

- Despite being a quiet bookworm, she can be fierce, especially when she or Orion are threatened.

- Celestia is very fascinated by Amphibianoids, sometimes studying some from afar. One of these she saw from afar was Katrina Drake, but the two have never met.

  • Her hair is very long, but is usually kept up in a bun.
  • She almost always wears her glasses.
  • Adores jewelry and other adornments.


Celestia has been fascinated by stories of the Burning World ever since she was a child. Her parents would often tell her bedtime stories regarding it, as well as hearing legends about it from her family. Now a grown elven woman, she aquired an education and ability to become an official researcher, gathering all of her notes and discoveries into a journal.

She holds the Burning World higher than others see it. Her beliefs are that, according to legends told to her by her family, there happens to be a "world" even beyond the surface, that there's much more beyond it that even the Burning World dwellers cannot see. This belief is often shoved off by others who claim she's crazy to think such things, but she holds strongly to her beliefs, and strives to find out if she's right. Her sister Orion helps her a lot in her research; even sharing what she witnessed once after digging to the surface by accident.


Orion [ Adopted Sister ]

Orion is her adopted sister whom she loves dearly. The two met when Orion dug a tunnel into the Eastern Caverns, meeting Celestia there and the two quickly bonded strongly. They pretty much adopted each other as sisters.

Achilles [ Companion ]

Achilles is Celestia's loyal companion. She found him injured one day along a cavern's river system after falling from the surface. After he recovered from his injuries, he was ecstatic to stay with her as her pet. He will usually help her in her research sessions by fetching her books and papers she needs.

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