


1 year, 1 month ago


"I fell in love with a war ... and it left a pearl in my head."
Name Willowshimmer

Former Names Willowkit

Gender Male (he/him)

Orientation Gay

Age 24 moons

Rank Medicine Cat

Residence ReefClan

Theme content


Willowshimmer has short and soft fur that is always clean, except for a few herbs sticking out of it every now and then when he has no time to groom. His chest fur curls inwards naturally and his cheek fur curls against his face. Willow has an eye-catching, bright white pelt with brown face, arm, and tail markings. He has a swoop of brown-gray fur on his back with one singular brown spot on his chest. His sky-blue eyes are round, sympathetic, and stand out strikingly. The ears atop his head are short and round. Along with this, the top of his head is covered in a curly mass of fur that covers a single eye at all times; its wild, and does what it wants, as if it has a mind of its own.

Willowshimmer is slightly shorter than average. His build is thin and lean with small paws. He appears gentle and assumes an empathetic expression at all times, which makes him seem kind and approachable. His shoulders are often hunched as a result of his shyness-- even still, he always looks friendly. He walks swiftly with a faint air of importance; he never wastes a second, and is quite nimble. Willow smells of a mixture of salt water and lavender, and unintentionally calms the cats around him.

Design notes
  • anime boy hair
  • covers one eye; can be either eye
  • shorter, round ears
  • small brown dot on his chest on the right side

As a kit, Willowshimmer was self-concious and shy with a severe stutter. This is likely because of the lack of attention and support from his father, who he now does not remember. Over time (and with Cressglide's help), however, he became more lively and sure of himself. He never lost his shyness, but he is more confident now. He is well aware of his purpose in life; to serve his Clan and heal the cats he loves. Willowshimmer, although sometimes closed-off, is affectionate and friendly. Even the angstiest apprentice finds it hard to stay mad at Willowshimmer. He is very loyal and devotes his life to ReefClan.

He is gentle and sweet with a heart of pure gold. He prides himself in his work and is always on the go. Plenty of cats don't notice, however, due to his silent nature. Willow prefers silence and solitude, anyway. He has a peaceful aura and is always calm; this is intensified when he finds himself at the shoreline.

However friendly he may be, Willowshimmer still finds it hard to talk to new cats. New social situations stress him out. Often times, he overthinks everything, and his anxiety spikes. He's often nervous and stumbles, making little mistakes that he later will dwell on-- even if other cats don't notice. He finds it hard to open up, and never really talks about his own emotions. This makes his feelings build up over time until he breaks down. Along with this, his loyalty often betrays him; he finds it hard to choose between the cats he loves and his Clan. He forgets about the thing he should be loyal to first and foremost: himself.

  • The smell of herbs
  • Sunsets
  • Caring for his Clan
  • The ocean
  • The stress of his job
  • WolfClan
  • Being compared to his family
  • Noisy environments


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim. At augue eget arcu dictum varius duis at. Aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a. Consectetur libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam non. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque. Massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper. Pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing. Urna neque viverra justo nec ultrices dui sapien eget mi.

Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

Egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu. Aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a cras semper. Non sodales neque sodales ut. Eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.


  • Willow — named for his gentle, quiet nature.
  • Shimmer — named for his bright optimism; also related to his love of the shimmering sea.
  • voiceclaim is conan gray.. yippe


Nutmuzzle and Willowshimmer have a very close relationship. They grew up together as kits in the nursery. They've been through everything together: both thick and thin.

Still, they have quite a few differences. Willowshimmer hates it when Nutmuzzle gets in one of his moods.


Willowshimmer's quiet apprentice. Willow spent many moons training him. Still, he can be quite annoying (Willow would never admit this, though).


Cressglide was Willowshimmer's mentor, but to Willow, she was so much more than that. She was like a mother to Willow. She took Willow under her wing as a kit, and ever since, she taught him everything she knew; everything from herbs to how to love himself. Willow is eternally grateful for her.



He never really had a relationship with his father, and he prefers to keep it this way.

code by jiko