Harry Marshall



6 years, 25 days ago


Name meaning: “estate ruler”
Nicknames: Haricot, Petit Prince
Age: 20 years old
Birthdate: December 7, 1997
Gender: Agender boy (he/him)
Orientation: Pansexual
Handedness: Right-handed
Religion: Agnostic
MBTI: ENFP - The Champion
Aligment: Chaotic - Neutral
Occupation: Literature and history student
Nationality: French British
“With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?” — Oscar Wilde

  • Autumn
  • Music
  • Books
  • Video games
  • Astronomy
  • Getting away from reality
  • Heat
  • Spiders
  • Loneliness
  • Clowns
  • Gelatine
  • Being surrounded by people


He lost his parents when he was 13 years old. Since that day, he's been living with his grandmother in her house in the countryside. As his father and his grandmother didn't go along well, he didn't really have the opportunity to be close to her and was a bit awkward around her in the beginning.

Now that he has grown to know her, he’s become very close with his grandmother, and considers her as much his mum as his birth mother. He also is very close with his grandmother’s wife, and was even the flower boy at their marriage in 2013. He often expresses how much he is proud of his grandmothers for letting themselves be their true selves despite their respective families’ disapproval. Entering high school, Harry had the opportunity to have a British correspondent, and that’s how he met his best friend Meredith.

Contrary to what we can think with his past, Harry still is a pretty enthusiastic boy, he always smiles brightly to others and tries to help everyone around him. He’s kind of dreamy sometimes, he could watch the sky for hours in complete silence, lost in his own thoughts. To be honest, every time he’s practising one of his passions, he totally locks himself out from others and does not speak to anyone for hours and hours.

  • Keep in mind when drawing
  • Even if he does not seem so, he’s actually 185cm tall (≃ 6’1”).
  • He loves flower patterns and flower crowns and wears them often.
  • He’s often seen reading books while listening to music.
  • Trivia
  • Harry decided to pursue a joint honours degree in literature and history, since he couldn’t decide which one he preferred. He plans to create his own publishing house one day.
  • The bad relationship between Harry’s father and grandmother is a direct result of his grandmother’s coming out and relationship with her, now, wife. Harry’s father viewed this as a betrayal to his own father’s memory, and spent most of Harry’s childhood badmouthing and being outright homophobic to her.
  • His colour palette is inspired by the Agender Boy Pride Flag.

Best friend and confident





Aline and Adélie