Meredith Ondin



5 years, 11 months ago


Name meaning: “sea lord”
Nicknames: Mer, Merry
Age: 22 years old
Birthdate: October 13, 1995
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Pansexual
Handedness: Right-handed
Religion: Agnostic
MBTI: ISFJ - The Protector
Aligment: Chaotic - Neutral
Occupation: Literature student
Nationality: British
“And in the middle of this crowd, I’m feeling deeply alone.”

  • Warm tea
  • Sea
  • Music
  • Space
  • Cosy atmosphere
  • Staying inside
  • Loneliness
  • Crowd
  • Silence
  • Sun
  • Aggressivity
  • Hypocrisy


Meredith grew up as a lonesome child, he always had trouble getting along with others because of his social phobia. Being a pretty quiet boy, the people who had the chance to hear his voice can be counted on the fingers of one hand and even his parents, whom he is very close with, are struggling to get more than two sentences from him.

Due to his lack of confidence, he doesn’t have that many friends (his one and only best friend is actually his French correspondent) but tries to stay a real caretaker no matter what. And, even so he doesn’t mind his good actions and efforts being ignored, he sometimes wishes that one day, someone would like to be there for him and support him at any cost. He’s just too lonely for his own good.

His social phobia has not prevented him from being a brilliant student and developing his talent for letters, therefore it wasn’t difficult for him to continue in the English Language and Literature course in Oxford.

  • Keep in mind when drawing
  • He’s 170cm tall (≃ 5’7”).
  • He never removes his mask when he’s outside or around people he’s not familiar with.
  • Trivia
  • Meredith is officially diagnosed with selective mutism, which is a direct result of his anxiety, and uses notebooks and phone notes to communicate with people. The only person who managed to make him comfortable enough to speak more than a few sentences a day is his best friend Harry.
  • Despite what his shy and quiet personality might entail, Meredith has a very witty sense of humour, which makes his closed ones laugh every single time, either because it surprises them and because it is undeniably funny.

Best friend and confident





Neville and Esmée