


1 year, 1 month ago


"You know, I think Juliana's pretty good at her job. She may be a clerk, but she's the one keeping the Control Team together behind the scenes. And no, I'm not saying that because she lets me offload my paperwork as captain onto her. Without her, we would've never learned how to operate the CCTV system, which lets us to tell everyone how to get their acts together whenever shit hits the fan. So many resets were prevented thanks to her. She's also good at explaining things—I told her she should've become a teacher, but she laughed (don't ever forget that cheerful, adorable sound) and said she hated being around kids. And that she didn't see herself being all that useful in the long run.

"You should meet my hyperactive little sister, then," I said. Juliana said she was good, she had a hyperactive little sister of her own who annoyed the hell out of her, but she'd also give the world to her if she could. Part of why she joined this Wing in the first place. Of course I knew exactly what she meant.

It's a shame the manager can't control clerks, though. Even in the scarce few loops where she's promoted to agent, she gets unlucky and dies within the first few days. If only the manager hadn't distracted me with a work order, then I could've dragged her into the hallway before today's Violet Noon dropped down and crushed her to a bloody pulp. At least she gets to live longer than Joshua."

- Mason's Journal, Log 12 (Loop ▓▓)


- Mason's Journal, Log 11 (Loop ▓▓▓)