[M] Daphnis Moontill



1 year, 1 month ago


Daphnis Moontill
General Information
Nickname Daph
Age 24
Species Calico Cat
Height 5'4"
Pronouns She / Her
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Alternate Universes
Magic Cryomancer
Primary Weapon Fans
Tarot The Moon
Path (HSR) The Hunt
Element (HSR) Ice
Class (DND) Rogue
Type (Pokemon) Ice/Fairy
Role (League) Jungle/Assassin
Nation (League) Freljord
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Character Themes

Daphnis originates from an adoration I once held towards 'Emily', a character from the furry mod of Stardew Valley. Originally designed to be a self-indulgent carbon copy, Daph shifted from public character turned OC as I've taken the time to flesh her out within my own fantasy world (The Faunwild), and attempt to introduce her to some of my other OCs. There, she was supposed to be the sister of a now-unused character (Belial), tasked with assassinating the princess of a neighboring kingdom (Amaranth, and Laway respectively). This concept held firm for some months, until eventually I dropped the premise to have her become Amaranth's hand/bedmaiden, and primary retainer instead. From there, I recognized the potential in a relationship between her, Amaranth, and Terra (the princess's court wizard), making the three of them a prominent polyamorous relationship across all of my OCs.

Since conception, I've known Daph would have strong ties to ice, winter, and the moon, reminiscent of my fondness of lunar objects in space, hence the name 'Daphnis'. This did clash with the motifs Amaranth held at the time, however, which left me feeling stuck on how to differentiate the two. If not for my recent pyromantic inspiration of Amaranth's character, this would still be an issue! So, thankfully, this shift in aesthetic allows for Daphnis to completely embrace the moon, space, and mystery as a part of her identity.

Phys. Stats




Ment. Stats




Skills & Abilities

  • Absolute Zero.

    "Across the tips of her fur dance fractals of snowflakes, and her breathing slows into a sluggish drawl, causing mist to drift freely around her".
    Daphnis is capable of lulling herself into a semi-frozen state by lowering the temperature of her body. While in this state, she rests at an expedited rate without needing to expend as much energy.

  • Refrigerate.

    "Webs of ice creep up the hilt of the blade, coating black steel in pangs of blue and white. Numbness claims the dagger as moss would the stump of a tree."
    Daphnis is capable drawing the heat out of whatever she may touch, and concentrate on. The enchantment is capable of lasting for extensive periods of time, however when said medium is exposed to fire or heat, like Daphnis, these magics fade rapidly.

  • Aurora Breath

    "Deep from within her chest, a mote of magic churns with hydrothermic pressure, and energy. From the same muscles where she may produce a shout, bitter, crackling frost takes its place".
    Daphnis inhales deeply before bellowing an icy exhale, frigid enough to freeze water. Occasionally, she'll forget to swallow before charging, which will causes her spittle to crystallize, and float outwards with her breath as snowflakes. She gets deeply embarrassed whenever this happens.


Daphnis is a petty street-thief, and worshipper in Sehanine, goddess of the moon, and trickery. She’s cold and bitter with her tongue, and sees little need for frivolities or pleasantries when interacting with others. It’s ‘stuff’ or ‘starve’ in her world, and she would gladly plant a people-pleasing grin across her face, only to lie through the grit of her teeth, and steal under the guise of innocence.

For most of her life, she’s only known the fabric of scraps and rags. Less is more for her, so even now, she would rather keep most parts of herself exposed (stomach, shoulders, etc.) so her garb won’t get in the way of her craft. One thing she’s held onto since young, however, was a cowl of the moonweaver she pilfered from a moon priest ages back. Since then, she’s grown attached to astrological memorabilia, and gathers bits and bobbles of shiny stars, moons, and constellations to don across her form, considering them a form of safety, and good luck from the deity she passively worships.

Daphnis is 5’4”, and is quite scrawny, thanks to growing up meagerly fed on the streets. Her weapons of choice are a set of fans, designed to look like daggers when closed, which sit within holsters that cross across Daphnis’s waist like an X. Her element is ice.

