[M] Terra Windplume



1 year, 4 months ago


Terra Windplume
Nickname Terra
Age 23
Species Barn Owl
Height 5'1"
Pronouns She / Her
Magic Geomancy
Tarot The World
Path (HSR) Erudition
Element (HSR) Imaginary
Class (DnD) Lore Mastery Wizard
Type (Pokemon) Rock/Flying
Lane (League) Midlane
Nation (League) Piltover
Theme Melancholic

Terra was a character who, for a long time, I was unhappy with the design for. Originally, she came to mind when creating a character for a DnD campaign. Owlkin was the race chosen, so when designing her from scratch, I tried to adhere to their design notes as closely as possible. No hair, wings for hands, and animal-esque eye patterns were key parts to her initial design, however now, she's been re-imagined to better suit my preferences, and the styles of my other OCs. And, after all this time passed, honestly? I'm happy to admit I've fallen right back in love with her. She's the Terra I've always imagined she could be!

As for her vibes, aesthetics, and inspiration, she's always been associated with rocks, the earth, and magic. She loves to read, to scrapbook, and most importantly, to dream. Oftentimes, while she tends to be the most analytical and grounded, she can hold the wildest aspirations for dreams, and stubbornly cling onto them without telling others- letting them guide her through hardship and impossibility. Between her, Amaranth, and Daphnis, the trio make-up the Sun, Moon, and Earth motifs, making them the perfect combination for one another- narratively, and aesthetically!

Phys. Stats




Ment. Stats




Skills & Abilities

  • Magic Missile.

    "Shattered glass and splintered mahogany decorate polished oaken floors. Countless opened tomes beneath it detail scrawlings of maddened conjecture, and inkwells freshly spilled blanket the chaos of this scene; The noise alone was enough to beckon the chorus of stomping feet. Yet, to no one's surprise, did they see her at the center of it all".
    This was one of the first spells Terra's ever learned to decode, placing it at a special place within her heart. Depending on the amount of energy, and concentration expended, Terra expulses multiple motes of arcane energy that float towards a point of her choosing. They're fille with an incredible amount of potential energy, making them explode upon contact- which, when young, created many-a-tales around the house of furniture being wrecked and ruine around the house.

  • Arcane Transmutation.

    "From the angle at which your fingers bend, to the streses placed on syllables for an incantation- everything magical is based in calculation. A good wizard can decipher each constant to derive success; A great one can manipulate every constant into a variable".
    Terra's always had a knack for the physics and math behind magic, evident through her ability to alter the very essence of 'weave' she controls. Whenever Terra casts a spell she's overly familiar with, she's capable of manipulating its casting process in order to transmute the element of the spell. Because of her affinity for rocks, this typically manifests via her 'Magic Missiles' becoming 'Stone Missiles'.

  • Unending Codex

    "The look upon her face was priceless; Today, she had been promised not mundanity...but a dream. A dream of hope and adventure that could never be forgotten. On this birthday, she was gifted the world".
    Gifted by her family when young, 'The Unending Codex' enchantment is what kickstarted Terra's career in magic. Her parents had noticed their little hatchling playing with twigs as wands, and throwing stones as fireballs, prompting them to save up for a scroll that would serve their daughter well in her lifetime. Little thenafter, upon receiving the scroll and decoding it for months upon end, Terra was able to alter the properties of her scrapbook, titled 'Terra's Pocketguide to Adventure!', which then became a unending wealth of knowledge and inspiration for the owl years on end. She still things back fondly to this day.


Terra is a part time mail carrier, and full time wizard, obsessed with both adventuring, and furthering her own magical education. She's bright and starry-eyed, capable of making any experience into a learning one, and an incredibly talented sorceress at her own age. Although her pasion for overachieving is innovative and useful, too often does it funnel into regret and anxieties. Family, friends, and even her own physical health have deteriorated over time, simply because she couldn't put down that book. She had to finish that equation. She's so close to learning that spell.

Terra's aspirations lay within the Academy at Equinox Fall, so she's constructed a home-made uniform that roughly resembls what students would wear to their classs; beige/white undergarb, a long maroon overcoat, and a darker skirt to match both. Variance comes about in the dress code whn different seasons hit, however she's mor than content with over-dressing rather than under in most situations.

Terra stands at 5'1", and her weapon of choice is a tome. One of the first incantations she's ever cracked was the Unending Codex enchantment, to which she gladly applied to her own spellbook. So, strapped along her side in its leather holster is her "Scrapbook of Adventures!" Which holds all matter of spells, theories, equations, and notes dating as far back as her youth. One day, when she's well-learned and weathered from travel, she hopes to publish this tome to encourage youthful sorceresses achieve their dreams, and take a chance for the sake of their happiness.

