




No Universe name Yet

We must protect our queen!

Name Spuring

Birthday/Age Unknown (Age: Unknown)

Gender Unknown

Species Mushroom

Sexuality Any

Height (Small) 275mm

Height (Medium) 1"0"

Height (Big) 2"5"

Occupation Helpers

Reletives Spuria

Attribute Change hights depending on season.

Very loyal to their Queen.

Can change cap colors.

Spurings are tiny mushroom creatures made by a rare species of mushrooms that Spuria is in. They are always loyal to their queen and will become their own character if they do get lose from their leader.



Spurings is 275mm during the Summer, 1"0" during the Autum/Spring, and 2"5" during the winter. They have all different kinds of personalities with also being able to change their cap color that depends of where they get lost at. Their attenna also change height depending on the season as well.

They can all wear any type of clothing if they do so wish. All of them are different and have their own set of goals and such.

Summer/Small Form

During their smallest form, they aren't all that strong and can easily be bullied. But their strong wills to protect their queen won't stop them.

Spring/Autumn/Medium Form

They are still super small but can at least do a fight somewhat. Their caps also slowly puffed up a bit as well.

Winter/Big Form

Their biggest form and can now actually do a fight with a chance of winning. Biggest mushroom cap they can have and can even see under their cap much better.


Back Story/Important Details

Spurings being many MANY of them having their own story of their kind, is hard to explain of what their backstory is like. Do know that the normal, purple selves do always try to protect their Queen no matter what.

But for spurings being able to be lost, does change them dramatically. If a spuring does get lost for a long while away from their queen, at least for a day. They will change their cap color to match the surrounding area and devlop their own personality. Might do a job, become a hunter, anything they wish to do to survive on their own.

Personal Life

Stats Free time and Job








How the purple ones are usually like.

Spurings job is to always protect Spuria no matter what. Even if it does get them killed or not. It is their queen and duty to protect the one who made them.

While they aren't protecting their Queen and relaxing with her, they just chill around her and do their own fun thing. Maybe even playing with her if she is up for it.


The most kindest of helpers!


  • Each has their own likes.


  • Each has their own dislikes.


  • If they are considred lost from their queen for at least a day, their caps will turn into the color that is similar to their enviorments for survival while lossing the appeal of their queen.
  • Each of them has their own personality and other things as such! One may like one thing while another may dislike it.
  • They all have the same similar growth cycles as Spuria does.
  • Ghost spurings (Grey) are Exlander's workers and they only obey her.


Spuria, 27.

Their queen! ...well at least for the ones with purple caps it is their queen. Want to protect her at all cost. Mainly because she is the reason of why all of them are living to this day.

Exlander, 29.

At least for the one's that are considered dead (Grey caps), they all work for her to work on her radio show. They only exist due to Exlander collecting their souls from the ones who are already dead. Free work for Exlander since these guys don't even know of what getting paid is.