Lorne G. Barnabas



1 year, 1 month ago



"I-I-I uh... err... uhm... eh..."

Lorne has short, dark brown hair that is above his neck. He has light brown eyes. He has medium toned skin, and his height is 5'5". He bears a bandage on his left leg because he accidentally cut it while trying to get out of his house. He's averagely thin and the longest part of the body would be his legs.

He wears a simple dark (almost black) green jacket, a black shirt inside with long sleeves, and black jeans. His hands are covered with black gloves. He wears black sneakers.

Lorne is a rather quiet person, who mostly prefers to use sign language unless he actually needs to speak. They tend to not look at the person they're talking to. He's also shy when it comes to presenting stuff, and easily gets flustered. He cares a lot about his friends, family and misses his sister. He has a deep voice, and mumbles a lot. Whether he acts based on rationality or emotions depends on the situation. He's an anxious introvert and a realist.


Name Lorne Groover Barnabas
Age 19
Gender male (he/him - they/them)
Status alive
Birthday june 18
Height 5'5"
Orientation pansexual
Occupation survivor - supplier

  • running
  • being useful
  • knives

  • photos
  • flowers
  • ants


  • His MBTI is ISFJ-T
  • He hates cheese, but isn't lactose intolerant
  • He often has nightmares that the safehouse will be raided by the infected
  • He has a strange feeling that an ant colony will climb onto him at night and start eating him

Design Notes

  • I thought about Tamaki Amajiki while making his design
  • Most of his personality is based off Tamaki Amajiki
  • His voice claim is... Tamaki Amajiki. What did you expect?
  • I have nothing else to say, so have two more words: Tamaki Amajiki


During his childhood, he grew up with his parents and his sister. He never really had any friends during that time. A few years later, his sister ran away from home. He never knew why, but he did know that she got into an argument and ran away from the neighborhood.

During his college life, he studied mechanical engineering before the infection happened. Right before he head about what was happening, he went to visit his parent's house only to find they were gone, and instead, there was a very eerie person (an infected one, to be exact) in his house.

He grabbed a knife but accidentally cut himself (explaining the cut) and ended up running away with his bag full of stuff still on him. He quickly found the safehouse and the rest is how he survived. Wow.

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