Can I snag #1? <33

Sorry for such a late reply, I'll send them over to ya when I get the chance!


Can I adopt #4?

Sorry for such a late response, I'll transfer them over the second I get a chance!!

Hello hello! I was wondering if you're able to transfer them now?

Aa sorry I completely forgot to do this! I'll send it asap! <33

Could I take #2 please? Thanks!

I like #3!
Uuuh, I have 170 points left on Deviantart (if you even have an account there xD)
and I could offer one of these: 

Hello! Sorry for the last response! I'd be willing to trade them for Adderhop if you're up for it :D

sure thing, I'll transfer them over to you! :3

Tysm! I'll make #3 a separate profile and send them your way!

thank you as well! :3