
1 year, 1 month ago


Created way back in 2019 as the "male" side of Henati´s ways and morals.

Grew up with Henati way back before parents moved.

in short:
Nui for short (nicknamed) was kicked out of his parents place after he  came out to them. Beeing a very open and life loving guy, he had to face  alot of troubles. From bullies to scams, he has seen and lived them.  Making the best of his high stamina and doing what he can do best.  Living life however he can.
A reason he travelled later on and meet´s new people (has a travelvan)
A later part when he meet´s new beeings and lands through a portal to get to know much more.

Real Name: Nickolas Duke Beauforis Lafayettari (kept in Nick D.B.L)

Named himself: Nui Lance Caster -Tatopolious



Coming from a really wealthy and noble family of high Bloodline (said to be even there at the times where the planet had been set and "born" (As part of the world Fabula) Nui was raised with all what any "rich" kid wanted. Own big room, a butler, personal tutor and anything his heart wanted. Even attending a private school later on where he had the side of things.
Partly seeing the world outside, gazing beyond the fences of the school, spotting kids and especially one caught his attention.
Meeting up and learning from him the outside worlds which helped a bit. Even for a rebelios teen with a high Libido.
Nui tried alot of things and  got his experience and tastes around. Not just helping him move on in school but finding good solutions for others to live better.
But seeing as they were just interested in wealth and money, he quickly lost his apetite on how the behaviour was.
Often talking to his grandfather where the two had a special bond and understood another more than the family themselves.
Usually at family gatherings, the two would chat more than the others as it was always the same topic on money, who had most and such.
Nui became more of a "hidden black sheep" in his family due to his views, beliefs and suggestions on helping the others. To make society and the world in general better.


At a point, he came out to his parents, stating his feelings on who and what he likes (since open to all) and was immedietly kicked out. Dishonored as one would say as he was seen as a disgrace and failure.
Luckily having savings, he moved places. But it was heavy on the 19 year old.



Lives in his lovely Apartment and for now does the best he can. Trying to find a way to help others.


To him:

He is highly active (flirtious, cheeky) and can be a big brother to protect anyone he cares for or just met.
He is not dumb, knows how to use his witts or play dumb to get what he wants. But he would never use info to harm someone else. 


  • Flirtatious: Nui's flirtatious nature is a central aspect of his personality. He enjoys the art of seduction, often using humor and charm to make connections with others. While his playful banter might come off as light-hearted, it conceals a deeper desire for meaningful relationships.
  • Compassionate: Despite his aristocratic background, Nui is driven by a genuine concern for the well-being of others. Having experienced rejection and hardship, he is empathetic to the struggles of those around him. His passion for social change stems from a deep-seated belief in equality and justice.
  • Witty and Playful: Nui possesses a quick wit and a playful demeanor. He uses humor not only as a means of entertainment but also as a tool to navigate through challenging situations. His ability to find levity in adversity helps him maintain an optimistic outlook on life.
  • Optimistic Realist: Nui maintains a positive outlook on life, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. However, he combines this optimism with a realistic understanding of the world. He acknowledges the existence of darkness but believes in the power of individuals to bring about positive change.
  • Intellectually Curious: Nui's time outside the sheltered life of nobility has sparked a keen interest in the world and its diverse cultures. He is intellectually curious, eager to learn from every encounter and broaden his understanding of the world. This curiosity extends beyond humanoids to include a fascination with fantastical creatures.
  • Protective: Nui has a protective instinct, especially towards those he cares about. This protective nature is not limited to physical safety but also extends to emotional well-being. He strives to create a safe and supportive environment for those around him.
  • Resilient: Having faced rejection and adversity, Nui developed resilience. He bounces back from setbacks with determination, refusing to be defined by his past. This resilience fuels his commitment to creating a better world for everyone.
  • Expressive: Nui is not afraid to express his emotions openly. Whether it's joy, anger, or sadness, he embraces the full spectrum of his feelings. His expressive nature fosters deeper connections with those who appreciate authenticity.
  • Adventurous Spirit: Nui's love for life and adventure drives him to seek out new experiences. He enjoys exploring new places, meeting diverse individuals, and immersing himself in the wonders of the world.
  • Diplomatic: Nui possesses a diplomatic charm that enables him to navigate through various social circles. His ability to mediate conflicts and build bridges between disparate groups makes him an effective advocate for social change.


- Loves Animals and interested in ZooOlogy (and to study them)
- Comes from a noble french Family and descendant of a mighty Duke. (his grandpa from father side is like him)
- Knows how to speak french (since childhood) among English, German and more
- His grandfather has the secret archive stashaccess where he later shows Nui the truth and the planet Fabula as he is part of the Sunburst Knights.

Name: Nui Lance Caster-Tatopolious
Real Name: Nickolas Duke Beauforis Lafayettari (Nick D.B.L)
Age: 25
Background: Exiled Noble
Occupation: Advocate for Social Change, Zooologist

Nui is a striking figure with vibrant energy and a sense of confidence that emanates from him. He has expressive, lively eyes that are a shade of hazel, and his hair is a flamboyant mix of colors that he changes periodically to suit his mood. With a lean yet well-built physique, Nui carries himself with a certain charm. His attire is a mix of casual and stylish, reflecting his eclectic taste.



  • Flirtatious: Nui is a charming and flirtatious individual, enjoying the thrill of social interaction and making connections with others.
  • Compassionate: Despite his playfulness, Nui has a genuine concern for the well-being of others and is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.
  • Witty: Nui is quick-witted, capable of using humor to diffuse tense situations or navigate through challenges.
  • Optimistic: His positive outlook on life helps him face adversity with resilience and hope.


  • Charisma: Nui's charismatic nature allows him to easily connect with a diverse range of people and influence them positively.
  • Zoology: His interest in animals extends to a deep knowledge of zoology, making him well-versed in the study and care of various species.
  • Multilingual: Fluent in French, English, German, and more, Nui's linguistic skills prove useful in various situations.
  • Streetwise: Having experienced life on the streets, Nui has acquired street smarts, enabling him to navigate through less savory environments.


  • Notebook and Sketchpad: Nui always carries a notebook for jotting down observations about animals and people alike, and a sketchpad for doodling or capturing moments.
  • Stylish Clothing: Nui takes pride in his appearance, wearing a mix of stylish and casual clothing that reflects his personality.
  • Communicator: A high-tech device that allows him to keep in touch with allies, friends, and fellow advocates for social change.
  • Diplomatic Charm: Nui's ability to negotiate and mediate conflicts is one of his greatest assets.

Born into a wealthy and noble family, Nui's upbringing was one of privilege and excess. However, his compassionate nature and desire for social change clashed with the values of his family. When he came out to his parents, expressing his true self, he was disowned and exiled.

Facing the challenges of the real world, Nui discovered the harsh realities that others endure. He became an advocate for social change, using his family's wealth to support causes and individuals in need. His interest in zoology grew, and he dedicated himself to the study and conservation of animals.

Through a portal, Nui found himself in new lands, encountering different beings and cultures. Embracing the opportunity to learn and share experiences, he continued his journey of self-discovery while making a positive impact wherever he went.


Roleplaying Hooks:

  1. Family Secrets: Nui's grandfather is part of the Sunburst Knights, an organization with a secret archive. The knowledge contained within could hold the key to significant revelations.
  2. Zooological Endeavors: Nui's passion for zoology might lead him to seek out rare creatures, potentially tying into quests or adventures involving wildlife.
  3. Advocate for Change: Nui could become involved in local or global causes, bringing his unique perspective and resources to create positive social change.
  4. Love and Relationships: Nui's openness about his sexuality and love for others might lead to forming deep connections, alliances, or romantic relationships during his travels.

