
Gender: Female

Age: 18 (16 in picture)

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Black

Tail Color: White with Red detail

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Loves: Kung Fu, Fighting

Hates: Strong Winds

    Once human, Moi never had an education but only focused on her Kung Fu. For a long time, she lived in a remote area with her folks, until a pond nearby started sparkling at night. Like an idiot, all she did was get closer and closer to it until she fell in. Once in, she became a mermaid, and only to gain legs 3-5 minutes after drying. For a while, she went about her days practicing and.... that's it like nothing happened, other than gaining a taste more for seafood. When she was 13, when she was a mermaid, her father mistaken her for a fist to eat (only seeing the tail) and Moi swam away in fear, only to be swepted away by storm-like currents into the ocean. Now, she swims around, goes on land and keeps practicing her Kung-Fu.... sometimes crying, wanting to return home but doesn't know where home is.