Hazel's Comments

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the art i’ve put into her?

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“not trying to be disrespectful” then assuming the prices of everything i paid for?? it’s technically worth more than what i stated but i just put i think like $55?? i’m not selling her for her worth. and even if i was it’s none of your business. once she is out of your hands it’s none of your concern what i do with MY character. i’ve put maybe like $65 into her. i overpaid for like two of the pieces because i just wanted art of her. please don’t come to me about MY character telling me what you ASSUME i paid. 

and i have a pending ref for her too. please don’t assume dumb things if you don’t have anything to back yourself up on it LOOL

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hey man , i get it that it happens that people up charge and everything but I’m not one of those people lol

i’ve been waiting for a commission for her for a couple months now but the person has been sick. Haven’t  been able to get anything to me, and I’m a very patient person, so I’ve just been waiting. It’s not super strange that I have her in my offers cause she’s not my sona so why would I have her in my sonas folder? i’m not fully done yet with my th yet as well so i’m still figuring out what i’m doing with some of the characters. 

i respect where you’re coming from but it’s not really your business how much i’ve put into my characters.

hi! i’d like to buy her for $5 on cashapp!

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oops, lemme try again!

oops, lemme try again!

sent for real this time!

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