
1 year, 2 months ago


Gender: ♀   Age: 26

Occupation: Team Rocket Grunt

Team: Ninetails, Crobat, Alolan Raticate

Likes: People and Pokemon obeying her orders, getting her way, being praised by her bosses, making sure her team is well taken care of

Dislikes: People trying to bully her back (it makes her flustered), failing a job/mission because of others, other team members not caring about the health of their partner

Personality: A big brat and isn't afraid to push your buttons. She likes harassing others, especially anyone who's ranked below her. She WILL bully you around, and you WILL like it. 

Don't let this Rocket Grunt's cute appearance fool you. Behind that red lipgloss and those sweet, pink eyes is someone who will make your life around her living terror if you get on her bad side. Lyra uses her slightly higher ranking to bully most regular Grunts and new recruits around, and is surprisingly good at getting jobs done quickly and efficiently with all that barking. If she's not bulling or ordering others around, she's most likely hidden away somewhere taking immaculate care of her team; they're her most prized asset and she can't afford to have them in less than perfect health.