


6 years, 1 month ago


Cerberus began his life, or if you could call it life, as a zombified Umbreon. The reasoning behind this leads back to his father, Kronos. Kronos was raised to be a wicked monster of a Charizard, much like his mother, but rather he grew distant, and resentful of his mother, to the point of running away. Not only this, but it was soon after he was granted a portion of his mother's dark powers, which he used to tear open a rift into an empty dimension, which he shortly used his powers to fill with a large island of stone. This is where he created his dimension, the Void, and constructed a castle and even a small village, where he ruled. Over time in his new home, the loneliness began to settle in, he desperately wished to have company, so desperate, that he decided he would create an entity to serve as his prince, his son, and thus, Cerberus was born. Cerberus was created purely conjured up through the use of this dark energy, but the conjuring had side effects. When he was created, he came out instead as no more than a flesh-craving, sluggish and mindless zombie. Though Kronos was furious at himself, he didn't accept this and with some minor adjustments to him, and some hard effort to tutor him, Cerberus began to break away from his lack of intelligence, and even learned for himself. His wisdom now surpasses even his father's, which grants him not only the title of a prince, but gave him the duty of putting Kronos' new goal in life; shaping the Pokemon World in his own image, one region at a time.

Things to note about him currently, is that he is incapable of quick movement, but instead a fixed walking speed. Though this is a disadvantage, he is capable of teleporting short distances, and all forms of harm thrown at him, save for fire, he is completely invulnerable to. With his studies, he also unlocked the ability to shapeshift into any form of Pokemon, even Legendaries! Though he can do this, his power all depends on yet another trait he possesses, which is absorbing dark energies. This allows him the energy to maintain stronger entities, and also, alteirng his size. The funny part is that even in a weak state, he can turn into a teensy tiny version of Legendaries. With all these, combined with his vast dark magic, he felt confident nothing could stand against him... Until he met Glacier, who with her high mobility, is able to fight him off, until he started a forest fire, his only form of weakness, and also an instant death if he is lit on fire, so he was forced to flee. He acknowledges she was an Ice Type, and this gives him the idea to defeat her. Start another fire, but stay to let Glacier burn up and fall from dehydration.

One night, he returned from the Void to lure her into a forest fire... Only to get swarmed by her and her allies Savage and Ace, a Garchomp and Staraptor respectively. With this he was knocked unconscious, and taken away to Glacius, the home of Glacier, where he was locked for many days. Despite being imprisoned, Glacier made him in a way feel welcomed... But soon, he became desperate to escape, and shockingly enough.. She gave him the chance, if he promised to leave the Unova region alone. He accepted, only to 'backstab' her and run off, taking back his promise. A feeling of regret overtook him, and it was further pushed when, just after his departure, a new threat stood before her, a horde of machines made by the mechanical menace, Zerox. Cerberus felt horrible, he couldn't take just leaving her to die, after she was nice to him, even as a prisoner. He returned to Glacius, and almost singlehandedly annihilated the machines by using his shapeshifting, becoming an Electrode and exploding.

After this, Cerberus, true to his word this time around, promised he would resist taking Unova, and the entire world in general. With some negotiating with Kronos, he reluctantly accepted Cerberus' wishes, and put aside his plans of taking over. Since then, Cerberus and Glacier have been friends.

One night, Glacier was lured out into the forest by an ominous singing, where she was ambushed by an unknown Pokemon, who proceeded to poison her. Over a few days, her condition worsened, until she was barely capable of staying conscious. This worried Cerberus, and with the help of one of Gracidea's friends out in the Kalos forest, Draedus seeked out a way to help cure Glacier. Instead, the illusion of Dialga he conjured up, revealed a near future event taking place, Cerberus was ignoring a now cured Glacier, and he could hear himself sobbing (He can sob but he cannot produce tears,) and Glacier was going on about him stopping and talking to her about some terrible event involving another's, supposed death? Just then, the group, Venre, him and Abyss, are ambushed by the one who poisoned Glacier... Before them was a strange Leafeon with four eyes, and hanging from the trees by her four vines sprouted out from her back, a Leafeon named Scarah... And her queen, Kronos' mother that he abandoned long ago. Achlys, a Charizard much like him. Caught off guard by this revelation, he was unable to get to Glacier, who they had brought along in hopes of curing her. She forced a 'deal' upon him, it was either, he opened a rift into the Void, or he would lose a Glaceon this day. He was left with no choice but to comply, and she safely got into the Void. While Abyss and Venre stay behind with Glacier, Cerberus stormed into the void to save his father. In the end, Kronos throws Achlys off the edge, only for her to take Kronos down with her, though he manages to catch the ledge. He was simply too weak to lift himself back up, with Achlys weighing him down... It all came down to Kronos having to let go, and fall into the endless abyss that waited below the island of the Void. This loss completely devastated Cerberus, but he was given enough time to pack some things and get out, as the entire void began to crumble before him.

When he gets out, Glacier was completely healed, but Scarah had escaped, now that Glacier was to her senses, she immediately saw the look in his face, the look of an Umbreon that no longer felt anything, anything but despair.. He asked Glacier if he could stay with her, and she confusedly accepts.. And Cerberus explains to her what happened, that Kronos was dead, before fleeing from her to Glacius, where he made a straight path to the basement. Over time, Cerberus slightly recovered, but he was no longer the ambitious and sassy Umbreon he came off as originally, but instead a cold and dead serious husk of himself, who occasionally needs to let out stress through 'crying.' Though, one thing that assured him, was that one of the things he retrieved from the Void, that would forever remind him of his father, a book that Kronos gave him, one that told of alchemy and chemistry, a thing he took an interest in. Even though he comes off very unpleasant to be around, Glacier still cares for him as much as she used to, and he couldn't be any happier of that...