
i did a little pixel sprite the other day and was wondering if ppl would like these as adopts 👀 

so this will be a fav to enter ( my 1st!! ) 

also would love to hear opinions if you think these would be cute/nice   

he's a caribou with filed horns who enjoys hanging at the beach and eating pistachio ice cream ( or mint choco chips. both are good )    

i'm still kinda green in toyhou so i'm figuring the place out but i def will be making more adopts/designs and art in general   

small edit!!: a friend gave me a suggestion on how to roll for a winner so i'm adding this extra: 

    subbing to me will award an extra ticket!    

so fav + sub = 2 tickets 🎟 🎟  

April 30th update: i'll be rolling for the winner tomorrow! 

a heads up about the simple rules:

the winner will get the character and be able to trade/gift/use and draw them   

>>  but may not sell the character for profit! you may only sell them down the line based on extra art, but never on the original alone! 😩 

if the winner doesn't respect this i'll simply take ownership of the character back and reroll them to another person that participated + blacklist the offender 💔 since i didn't make this for someone to just sell 'em like that asgfdvags 🤠  

update!! winner picked!

i used the ( toyhouse raffle app ) that a friend recommended to me 🌈


congrats !!! 😭😁💖✨ 

ngl i woke up late ( i'm sicc ) and almost forgot i had to roll a winner today shgbssd BUT I REMEMBERED!

also to everyone who participated thank you vm!! 💖💖 i hope to make more soon so keep an eye out!! 😺