🕊️ || SERAPHIM 🪷



1 year, 2 months ago


Seraphim — they/he/it ; Seraph for short ! || 21 y/o

Seraph was "born" to parents Ophanim (he/him) and Astera (she/her). After the ritual of Seraph's conceiving, it was revealed that there may have been a slight problem with the egg because Opha chose to sacrifice an eye, rather than a limb like most mantas. Astera was against the decision, questioning him as to why, but he never gave an answer. So, they proceeded that way. It was later found out after Seraph had hatched that his eyesight would be permanently damaged. He would have poor, worsening eyesight throughout his life and would later develop cataracts that would lead to his eventual blindness. This caused a lot of fuss between Opha and Astera, which bled into Seraph's early childhood years.

Regardless, they both cared deeply for Seraphim and became very protective of him. Seraph was not particularly fond of his parents, especially because of how overbearing they became compared to other mantas. Seraph had learned very early on not to dwell on their sight to map out their surroundings, and thus refused glasses as a child and mostly relied on their hearing and feelers. Unfortunately for Seraphim, other young mantas did not take kindly to Seraph's blindness, and he became an easy target for other mantas.

Seraphim was a quiet young reef, one that mostly spent time listening to music and audiobooks. Because of being socially isolated and having overbearing parents, it also just focused on its studies, and became a rather educationally driven individual. That's not to say it lacked in creativity, though. It enjoyed greatly the art of writing (learned through audiobooks), and thrived through them. This also led them to enjoy fashion and the concept of beauty through the eyes, despite not being able to enjoy it himself. He would live through others, he hoped. This became a lifelong enjoyment. 

When Seraphim reached middle-school age, they met Beebo. Beebo, having been socially awkward herself, approached Seraphim with an intent to become friends, no matter what it took, after realizing that Seraph was not much different from her.
Seraphim, then, experienced kindness for the first time from someone that wasn't his own parents. Beebo enlightened Seraph to its physical beauty, and Seraph then realized that up until that point, he didn't really know what he looked like. Beebo told them every day after that how beautiful he was. They were inseparable going forward. 

Seraphim and Beebo met when Seraph was pre-transition. Beebo didn't quite understand the whole concept, but just knew he didn't care what people called him, and thus went along with whatever Seraph desired. 

Seraphim is a Mantafin, a closed species created by SkunkBlood.