


1 year, 1 month ago



Impasto Nero

Male . 18 .「Master of Puppets」

Son of Risotto and Torta

Son of two mafia members, wants to be apart of Passione so bad but is forbidden from getting involved with the mafia... Ah, he'll find a way!

Impasto comes off as a bit rude, very energetic and never lets anybody stop him. He loves his parents, especially his mama! But won't let them stop him from doing what he really wants to! His motivations for joining Passione change depending on if he's in the AU where Risotto lives or not. If Risotto lives, Impasto wants to join for fun! If we go by canon though..

Impasto grows up without his father, and sees his mother work tirelessly for Passione after the changes. The changes are making her feel on edge, and she's still griving over her late husband. Heartbroken at seeing his mother in this state, Impasto plans to take action. Hearing about the events of Vento Aureo through the grape vine, and fully believing if Giorno hadn't been involved that his father would've been alive, his idea is to get into Passione from the inside and take out Giorno Giovanna.

His stand is named「Master of Puppets」, it's essentially Stone Free but with chains instead of strings.