Sayan ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ“



1 year, 1 month ago



Sayan Mateyam Ambrose
Space Adventurer

Hiya! I'm Sayan and it's a pleasure to meet you! I can tell you're not from around here, so let me get you caught up.

I live on the celestial planet of Ralian, and this has been my home for as long as I can remember. My planet is one of many in my universe, and is bustling with people from all walks of life. Travelers typically come here for trading and business opporutnites, just as my great grandfather did many moons ago, when he started our family business: Ambrose Farms!

Now before I talk your ear off blabbering on about unimportant topics, let me say one final thing. Welcome to Ralian! I hope you enjoy your stay, and if you ever need help or want to learn more about me, feel free to come and chat!



This guy is too sweet for his own good. He is always thoughtful and ready to do things for others. If someone is in need, he will not hesitate to make sure they're well.


Curiosity is an extremely important element in defining Sayan's personality. Despite his fears, cautiousness and ability to be easily startled, curiosity is the one thing that drives him to be adventurous, even if it's difficult.


Considering his family history, it's no surprise that Sayan is extremely intelligent. In everything he does, he's always thinking outside of the box, thinking critically, and looking at the world he's in through different perspectives. He's always seeking to learn new things, and it only adds to the library of info he has stored in that noggin of his.


Another huge part of Sayan's personality is his innovative desire and ability. Whenever something breaks, he's always thinking of objects he can create to fix things.

When he wants something to help him on his adventures, he will invent a new gadget to do so. When a pick pocket steals his money, Sayan will create a tool to make sure it never happens again or will make sure the perp has a nice surprise waiting for them if they wanna steal one last time. .



He has always been in love with the moon and the stars. Since his dad's dissapearance, he uses stargazing as a way to connect with him

Strawbrry Moo Moo

Just because he's helping his family and their buisness, doesn't mean Sayan dislikes the Strawbrry Moo Moo he sells. In fact, he loves it so much that he often orders it in bulk to have for himself and his freinds.


Despite constant things that trigger his flight or fight, Sayan loves to explore his planet in his free time. This includes studying animal and plant species, along with going into areas most people avoid. Even if he's literally left shaking, he loves the excitement that comes with exploration and learning.


Loud Noises

Considering his cowlikeness, Sayan is not fond of loud noises and can easily be left startled.

Getting Ear Pets

This is one of those things Sayan claims he dislikes, but secretly loves. He doesn't like people in his personal space, let alone, touching his sensitive ears. However, he absolutely loves when his 4 yr old sister Bella, and mom do it.

Dark Spaces; Scary things

If there's a dark and scary lookin cave in front of Sayan, he's defineitely turning around, especially if he hears something unusual. He has never been fond of horror or anything that incites fear. He will only interact with these kind of things if he absolutely has to



Early Life & Interests

Growing up, Sayan always had his father, mother, and younger sister Bella. Even as a young kiddo, Sayan's father fostered, and shared that love of adventure and exploration with his son. Considering this, one day his father went on a huge expidition and said he would be back. He promised. However, as months began to pass, it became painfully clear that something had gone wrong and that Sayan's beloved father would never return, and so he did not. As Sayan grew older, he wondered what happened to his dad, and wants nothing more than to scower the galaxy in order to find him. He knows he's out there somewhere; he has to be.

Without his dad, there was a lot of slack to be picked up, even if Ambrose Farms, the family business, had extra sets of hands from cousins, aunts and uncles to help out. So, Sayan has always made sure to invest 100% of his time and energy into taking care of his family, and he loves it more than anything. Aside from enjoying selling Strawbrry Moo Moo, he also enjoys creating gadgets to help his family be more efficent in production and productivity.

Sayan loves exploring, especially because of his father's absence. Not having him around to share these passions with, has only driven him to be more adventourous, and to find a way he can leave Ralian in order to be reunited with his dad.

Ambrose Farms

Ambrose Farms is a well known comapny on Ralian, all thanks to Sayan's great grandfather. Aside from selling their infamous and widely sold "Strawbrry Moo Moo", the company also provides clothing, homemade goods like palmade, salves, lotions, etc., slong with other goods that help Ralian's inhabitants better naviagte the planet's widely vast dessert and forest biomes.

Sayan is always experimenting with new flavors of milk that others may enjoy. Often times his little sister, and his best freinds Honey, Talia, & Cassius become his guinea pigs, and have no problem hodling back facial expressions and spitting things out, if a flavor is down right nasty. That's just the kind of honesty he needs, if Ambrose Farms is going to succeed.

Leaving Home

One day, an opportunity arises for Sayan that can't be missed. A group of space pirates, well renowned, just so happened to make a pit stop on Ralian, right in Sayan's neck of the woods. The group had a mechanical failure with their ship, and just so happened to be in need of a mechnaic to fix it. Thankfully, they landed at the right place. Not only did Sayan help to fix their issue relatively quickly (which left them in surprise, consdiering the complexitiy), but the group got invited to have dinner with his family. Helping his mom and aunts and cousins, the Ambroses' typically large family dinners only got larger, and needed all hands on deck, so Sayan jumped in.

That night during dinner, everyone got to know the pirate gorup better, and they extended an invitation for Sayan to join them on their journey, along with his best friends. Sayan's mom was hesitant at first, and of course his little sister didn't want him to leave, but his mother immediately understood why Sayan looked so desprate to go, even if it meant never seeing one another again. She saw the look of love in his eyes, for his Father and how deep down, he wanted to find him more than anything. It was clear that she needed to let her child go, especially if there was just the slightest chance that her husband would come home again. If there was just a chance that the love of her life, and father of her children would be held in her arms for the first time in a long time.









