Strawberry :)'s Comments

Can I offer you trade?


Do you like any of my th? I have no limits!

The only ones I liked are Cherry in furries and or Lotus in ponies 

Of course I can give you Cherry!


anyone on my profile? or would u take usd? :0

None caught my eye but I’ll take usd it would be 15 

oh awesome! would u take gift cards or kofi? and would u mind holding for a bit? i only have like $10 in my bank rn 😭

Aw man I don’t have Kofi 😭

would u take gift cards then? :0

I mean not sure what gift cards I would even use 😭

1 Replies

Any interests here?

No sorry

OO I absolutely adore

I can def do him!

Yay!! I’ll transfer strawberry over now 💕

Sent! Sorry for the delu I was eating