Kotaro McGoodButt



1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Kotaro (real last name is unknown)










Mischief Maker






Check out his Wiki page [here] for additional information!


Kotarõ McGoodbutt is a main character in Story Beats, introduced near the end of Season 4. He is a mischievous half-demon who delights in causing trouble and sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. Much like Sindr, he's one of those "lesser" main characters who isn't as fleshed out as the rest of the cast, but is still significantly more involved than she is.


Kotaro is often wild and impulsive, doing all sorts of reckless things because he feels like it. He doesn't have much common sense which leads him to do things like taunting Zack or jabbing Princess Sarah in the butt with a sword. He doesn't think of the consequences! He does his best to maintain a cool, admirable personality which leads him to brag about even the smallest of accomplishments, but all of this is merely a façade and he's actually quite goofy on the inside. Overall, he's something of a wild card that can be used in a variety of different hectic scenarios due to his impulsiveness and desire for attention.


Kotaro is a young man of slightly taller height and athletic build. He has messy black hair and purple eyes. He also has pointed ears and horns that lends more into his half-demon lineage. It's worth noting that he's considered to be more "attractive" than the other characters despite never being mentioned. Seeing as he appeared in Season 4 when there were no illustrations, he does not have any sort of official design or outfit. If you would like to draw fanart of him, feel free to dress him however you like!


Kotaro was based off of an Internet friend from a web forum and later a Skype group, apart of the main online friend group I associated with at the time. Like many other friends before him, he found his way into my novel at some point and started wreaking havoc almost immediately. Sadly, I am no longer a part of this group, but Kotaro lives on as his own separate entity in The Story.

He first appeared in Season 4 during Spiked Love, randomly debuting when all of the characters got drunk from the spiked punch at the Valentine's party. From here, he went on to become something of a nuisance for the rest of the Season, harassing Princess Sarah in the chapter that followed, and continued to appear as a main character despite never properly being "introduced". There was even a moment when some of the characters visited his homeworld in Season 5.

At the end of Season 4, the Princess Sarah Chapters stopped functioning and so the other characters got their chance to become princesses on Fridays for the last few of the year. One chapter centered around Kotaro becoming a princess for the day, something that he was all too happy to indulge in seeing as Princess Sarah had been ordering him around ever since his debut. While it's never actually shown what happens to him, it's implied that Sarah discovered what he was doing and gave him a good thrashing. From then on, Kotaro was shown to have something of a grudge against Princess Sarah, something that carried over into the final Season as well. In Thanks For No Thanks, he was seen glaring at her during the Thanksgiving meal and told her to get out because he didn't want her there.


  • McGoodButt is not his real last name- it was simply the answer he gave when asked what it was.