character scraps



1 year, 2 months ago


prometheus LVII
everyone assumed he's dead but he actually just fucked off to another continent to go vacation once 58th was old enough to hold their own. came back to see his grandkid

the first asclepius identified and specialized in curing magical afflictions, modern day asclepius is doing research on them while specializing in curing them. hes the only one to have been given the surname in hundreds of years, 58th fucking loves him

helios was a real ass guy who existed but no one really considers him as such, hes been pretty heavily mythologized over the years. in the early early days of civilization he led people and helped form societies, his connection to the sun stems from how the weather got less harsh and the sun started to shine more in the years while he helped the people
helionism is based off of him but like. no one knows that, the stories got more and more warped over time to be solely about the celestial body
there are, however, people who are considered children of helios/the sun, due to a specific magical affliction that i. havent decided on yet
its really only ever been found in helios's direct descendants
phaethon. helios's direct descendant
first guy in thousands of thousands of years to have it, but he like. doesnt really wanna deal with it
on the contrary: 58th REALLY really wants to deal with it