Compass Rendolee



6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Compass Rendolee

[Is also known as 'Occulta Circuitum' which means 'Hidden Compass' due to his secretive nature.]

Age: 638 years

Height: 7'8"

Gender: Male

Race: Unknown [Speculated to be some form of Wendigo]

Powers: [Shadow Mage]

Shadow Manipulation: Not only can he create animals out of shadow and have them do his bidding, but he can create basically anything, as well as melt into shadow himself. He often uses it as a means of escape or when he feels uncomfortable.

Monstrous Form: Compass does not often use this, but he has a form that's much less human and much more beast. It only seems to come out when he's extremely upset or angry, usually for another person.

Enhanced Senses: Compass is very adept at sensing other people's presences, and can often sense when someone is nearby.

Brief Personality: Compass often comes off as cold toward people who do not know him very well. In truth, he his very introverted, and would rather spend his time studying magic's than talk to others. He lacks the ability to empathize, and cannot relate to others very well because of it. He also has a hard time understanding human emotions, but can be rather kind once you get to know him, even if his brand of kindness is a tad odd.