Cricket RapidWater



1 year, 1 month ago


Full Name: Cricket Rapidwater (Formerly Cricket Sunwisher)

Age: 25

Sex:  Female

Hometown:  Sienna, Lenezia

Description:  Tall slender built, various shades of brown, black, and gray. Ocelot-like spots cover the body from nose to the base of the tail and down the legs with tan toes on the front paws and black on the back paws.

Brief Summary: Cricket spent half her childhood in the scenic Sienna Lenezia and the other half in Vitality. The waterlogged streets of the Lenezian capitol made for a nice if not sudden change of pace for the young leopard wolf. The loss of credits between schools put the young canine leagues behind her peers and culminated in a failure to graduate in her final year. Still, this didn't stop the plucky Cricket from pursuing happiness in the form of young love and a poorly thought out marriage. Five years into the relationship and her husband Cecil filed for divorce. Though not explicitly proven, his true reasons for falling out of love with the young wolf are hardly subtle and Cricket suspects him of being unfaithful with a mutual friend and landlord of theirs; Vale Siltstep. Vale denies being the homewrecker Cricket accuses her of being, however, she hasn't done anything to make the situation for Cricket any easier. As a matter of fact, she's done the opposite, including demanding Cricket's immediate eviction from the property.