thorned's Comments

Would you consider anyone besides Aria Leia Blythe Akira Mae Nala frappe Melanie twinkle and Yuki 

Sorry, no one really caught my eye! Tysm for offering :'0

Thank you for looking 

Does anyone hear interest you? If not then feel free to look in the NFS folder:)) I also have a mythical love bean for griffa (it’s basically a myo for a mythical bagbean)

so sorry, i didnt see anyone i'd use! ;w; Thank you so much for offering! <3

Anyone here ?

(The unicorn and pup are pending :>>)

sorry, didnt see anyone that interested me personally! Thank you for offering :D

No worries! Tysm for looking ^^

Does anyone in my th caught ur eye?

didnt see anyone, thank you for offering! :D