Darneil, Vynn



6 years, 1 month ago


V Y N N "yo!! wait wait wait i got this."
We Are Still People
▌ B a s i c s
name :
Calvynn "Vynn" Darneil     
height  :
5'9 (176cm)
age :
w.a.s.p # :
d.o.b :
January 1
occupation  :
Defense Squad
▌ P e r s o n a l i t y

[ +Affable . +Enthusiastic . +Compliant . +Easygoing . +Altruistic . =Curious . =Open . =Mischievous . -Emotion-driven . -Impulsive . -Gullible ]

+ affable : willing and able to make new friends!
+ enthusiastic : never a dull moment. most of the time. he'll hype you up if you need it, amongst other things.
+ compliant : he'd agree to do almost anything! as long as he takes an interest in it, that is.
+ easygoing : he's tolerant of most things.
= curious : a lot of things tend to spark his interest.
= open : usually doesn't hide things, and doesn't mind telling people what he thinks or feels!
= mischievous : he likes fun experiences, even if that means getting into trouble.
- emotion-driven : easily swayed by his emotions and would easily act on them.
- impulsive : often doesn't think before he speaks or acts.

- gullible : quick to believe nearly anything told to him.

▌ A b i l i t y

- Stems off of his fear of being alone.
- No one can hear or see him.
- Occurs at will, or if his emotions (e.g. sadness, anger, embarrassment) get the better of him and he closes his eyes during this time.
- Useful for gathering intel or items; or smuggling something. At the moment, he can only take things he can fit/hide in his clothes.
- Once he becomes more well-versed in the art of Invisibility, he'll be able to turn larger objects (such as vehicles) invisible as well!

- Needs to close his eyes to activate the ability; let's hope he can memorize and navigate well enough!
- Because he needs to close his eyes, he cannot see others or physical objects.
- Probably can't hold it for very long, it makes him feel alone- and he hates feeling alone.

>> If he ever gets over his fear of being alone-- he'll be able to turn other people invisible.

▌ H i s t o r y

Vynn led a relatively normal life in a lower middle-class family. Growing up, he'd often visit his two cousins, who were much more well off financially, to hang out. Though he felt there was always something... off about those two. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. In any case, everything was fine- up until his father was diagnosed with cancer.

As quickly as it came, his mother had left them. It was as if she had no regard for their well-being at all, selfishly holding the mindset that there was no point in staying if his father was going to die anyway. For the next few years Vynn helped his father as much as he could as he battled the disease. They were very close. Then the orb hit- and shortly after his father lost that battle.

Everything seemed to happen all at once- the possibility of the end of the world, his father's passing, and now he had some sort of... super power? Like the one's you'd only believe to exist in comic books. He thought it was so cool at first- until he and the other "mutants" started to receive the backlash. Not even his own family would accept him- his own cousins called him a freak! He thought he could trust them... Everyone around him was so selfish... His power started to become more of a burden than a blessing. He began to fear things when he used it, left to his own devices as he remained unnoticed in this form.

He was alone.

As much as he tried to remain optimistic, it was hard. When he heard about W.A.S.P, it didn't take him long at all until he joined. A place where he'd be accepted and make new friends? Hell yeah!

▌ E x t r a

Prefers to go by 'Vynn'

Chase & Chance's cousin
♢ Key to the apartment, father's dog tag

Coded by ArticusB.