Blue Spruce



6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Blue Spruce
Gender: Female
Species: Earth Pony
Personality: Loyal, rather vulgar, loves to have fun, can be a coward but pushes herself through her fear.
Talent: Druid
Occupation: Works with Mernah and the Princesses
Age: 27
Symbol/CM: Bear paw print and claws


Warning, her bio is one of the darker of my characters. Please read with caution

Her family wasn't very well off when she was young. They had a hard time keeping up with food and living in general. She eventually dropped out of school near the end of her educational years (Basically senior in high school) to become a prostitute as she knew that was a way to get good money into the house. At least what she was left with. Her parents didn't approve of her dropping out of education and were very concerned when she started coming home with money, but they didn't pry, due to her asking them not to. She gave up a lot of her health and sanity to help her family get by.
At one point, she was dating one of her clients and had a child with him. Due to assumptions and aggressive nature from her partner, he nearly beat her to death and ended up killing the child. Blue went into a fit of rage and mauled the stallion in her bear form. When she came to, she ran away in fear and sadness.

This part can be read for those who skipped the last paragraph

After her incident, she fled to the badlands where she stayed for a few years and met her animal companion there, a giant scorpion which she named Pitter Patter. The two have grown really close and are inseparable to this day.

On one job that she had to take care of back in the badlands, on coincidence, she met Mernah on a mission at the same time. The two grew close on their missions and became great friends since. Blue has joined the same job as Mernah and loves to still mess around with the stallions around the castle and Canterlot. That is until she met her current husband. But that will be a story for another time.

Fun facts:
-Despite her past, Blue has been able to move on from the heartache and always says, "I'm not happy about what happened, but it brought me to where I am today. And I'm glad to be here."
-She loves to go out to taverns and bars for drinks, mostly when Mernah joins her. She doesn't like drinking alone.
-Even though she is a sexual deviant, she will never spend a night with someone that is already in a relationship with someone, and when she gets into one herself, never cheats on him.
-She CAN use magic despite being an earth pony. Her magic is faith based and is given to her by nature itself, unlike a unicorn. However, she can't do things a unicorn can do. She can manipulate nature around her, shift her form to that of a animals, plants, and magical creatures, and summon animals to help her. She isn't powerful enough to do major spells a druid can do, but she's at a good place with her abilities.

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