Pink's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

catcoric Global Rules
There's not going to be much boundaries here, but if you have my design please don't excessively redesign it until it no longer represents the character it was. Also please don't trade my designs to WilLovesHorror, they were an ex of mine and I do not have ill wishes against them, but it makes me severely uncomfortable for them to own my designs. Thank you. If you are found to be a problematic person, your design may be subject to being taken back as well, as I do not support people like that. If you gain a design from me, I do also wish that you do not change the design completely; as I am under the impression that you specifically want the design as it is and when you change it completely, it fucks me up a little bit. If you fail to comply with this, I may blacklist you.; depending on the character. (This is in addition to the first part.) Another addition is that I want my characters to actually BE USED, not used as some sort of extra add-on for another character and that's it. If I do not see it being used, or you're not actually using them for anything but shipping with one character for it's looks. I will be subject to ask for the character back, and I will ask that you do transfer them back if you lose interest and I ask for it. AN ADDITION: You will immediately be blacklisted upon finding out that you have deleted my design, no ifs, ands or buts. It is disrespectful to delete it, no matter what, thanks.