Valerie O'Connell



1 year, 1 month ago


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Valerie O'Connell
NAME: Valerie O'Connell
PRNS: She/Her
AGE: 37 (at death), 150 current
SPECIES: Spacecat SC-2385
How'd you kill a woman who can't die?I ain't no stranger to the nasty underbelly of this foul Earth. The world changin' around me, forever stuck in time as a writhin' serpent so hopped up on her own hatred the wagon left without her. Funny, ain't it? I don't reckon myself no poet. I ain't got no myth of my own. If you must know my tale, I was born out in the Heartlands. I married a no good pig wrangler just like my daddy told me I would. He wanted ten children. I wanted him dead. So I killed the bastard. There weren't no scenes back then, no investigation. He went on a trip, was all I had to say. Who knew what got to him on the road - a wolf, a bandit? Ain't nobody missing him, 'specially not me. You see, I always had an itchin' in my soul. I weren't no good woman, not the one my family would be proud of. I needed more than kitchen sinks and field tillin'. So i took it. See, once you killed one man, a hundred don't seem like much. Banks, trains, wherever the law stuck their money, me and my boys weren't far behind. I 'spose it could only last so long. The law caught up with us eventually. Executed each of my gang, saved the best for me. I ended up drowned in the Great Lake, but just when I thought I'd wake up on the other side, wherever that may be, I realised I was right back on Earth, staring over my own dead body. There ain't much you can do when you're dead, I learnt that one quick. Ain't nobody able to hear your yappin', nor feel the burn of your claws. I wanted to live forever at one stage, but this ain't what I meant by that.
I ain't never met a more sorry excuse for a man, but for some reason he can see me as if I was livin'. Lonely aint picky when it comes to company.
What an ungodly beast, but I think its a sweet big thing, reminds me a bit of a horse I had back then.
Don't reckon much to this gal. Got no spine - wouldn't last a day back when me and my boys were roamin'.

•was once a frontier criminal•
•restless spirit•
•dubious moral code•
•spontaneously violent•
•has a great love for animals•
•can ride a horse•
•knows how to use a gun•